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Şehr (month, ay) ile kamer (moon, ay) arasındaki fark[]

"Shahr" (شهر) means "month" in Arabic, referring to a unit of time in the calendar. On the other hand, "Qamar" (قمر) means "moon," representing the celestial body that orbits the Earth. So, "shahr" is associated with time, specifically months, while "qamar" is associated with the moon as a celestial object.

Halit Ziya KARTAL, [11/11/2023, 11:51] To provide an extremely detailed analysis from a religious perspective, let's break down the name "Camruddin" within the context of Islamic theology, tradition, and cultural practices:

      1. Theological Foundations of Naming in Islam

Divine Attributes and Human Names: In Islam, names are considered to carry significant weight, as they are often derived from attributes of God (Asma'ul Husna) or from figures in Islamic history. The moon, represented by "Qamr," is mentioned in the Quran as one of the signs created by God (Ayat) that serves as a means to measure time for humans. By associating a name with the moon, one invokes the divine nature of its creation.

Religious Implications of "Al-Din": "Al-Din" is intrinsically linked to Islam's core. It is a term frequently used in the Quran, referring to the way of life prescribed by God. It embodies the concept of submission to the will of God, adherence to His commandments, and the pursuit of life guided by divine principles. "Din" is not just faith in a set of beliefs but an active commitment to a God-centered life.

      1. Symbolism of the Moon in Islamic Tradition

The Lunar Calendar: The Islamic calendar is lunar-based, with months defined by the phases of the moon. This calendar regulates the religious observances of Muslims, including the fasts of Ramadan, the pilgrimage of Hajj, and the celebrations of Eid. Thus, the moon in "Camruddin" symbolizes the perpetual observance of religious rites and the passage of time through a spiritual lens.

Moon as a Symbol of Reflection and Guidance: Just as the moon reflects the light of the sun, Muslims are expected to reflect the guidance of divine revelation. "Camruddin," therefore, can be seen as a metaphor for a person who reflects the guidance of God's religion (Din) onto others, embodying the qualities of a moral and spiritual guide.

      1. Cultural Practices and Naming

Dua (Supplication) Through Names: Naming a child "Camruddin" is akin to a prayer that the child grows to reflect the faith's virtues. It is hoped that the child becomes a source of light and guidance, just as the moon serves as a light for travelers in the darkness.

Historical Precedents: Throughout Islamic history, names ending with "-uddin" have been common among scholars, Sufi mystics, and rulers. These names were not only personal identifiers but also titles of honor, recognizing the individual's service to Islam. For instance, Salahuddin Al-Ayyubi was honored not just for his military prowess but for his commitment to his faith.

      1. Influence of Names on Personal Development

Spiritual Identity: "Camruddin" serves as a constant reminder of one's identity as a servant of the religion, an individual who is expected to embody the purity and serenity of the faith. It can influence the person's character development, steering them towards a life of piety and devotion.

Role in the Community: A person named "Camruddin" may be perceived as a pillar of their community, someone who upholds the values of Islam and serves as a role model for others. They might be looked upon to provide spiritual insight and leadership.

      1. Conclusion

"Camruddin" is not merely a name but a title that carries deep religious significance. It is a testament to the interplay between divine symbolism and human identity in Islam. The moon, a beacon in the night sky, represents the reflective and guiding role that a person bearing this name is hoped to fulfill within the Islamic faith. The name encapsulates the essence of a life lived in accordance with the divine will, mirroring the cyclical and reflective nature of the moon as it serves humanity.

In summary, the name "Camruddin" is rich in religious symbolism and expectation, embodying aspirations of piety, guidance, and a deep connection to the divine rhythm of life as prescribed in Islam.

Halit Ziya KARTAL, [11/11/2023, 11:51] analyse in religious side in extreme details

Halit Ziya KARTAL, [11/11/2023, 11:58] The root "Q-M-R" in Arabic, which forms the basis of the word "Qamr" (moon), has a significant presence in Islamic history and culture. To understand its deep and multifaceted role, we will explore various dimensions including its mention in Islamic scripture, its symbolism, and its relevance in historical and cultural contexts.

      1. "Q-M-R" in Islamic Scripture

Quranic References: The moon (Qamr) is frequently mentioned in the Quran as one of the signs (Ayat) of God's power and majesty. For instance, in Surah Ya-Sin (36:39), God speaks of the moon's phases as a means to measure time for the affairs of humans. The Quran also warns against the worship of the moon, which was practiced by some pre-Islamic cultures, and instead directs worship solely to the Creator.

Prophetic Traditions: In the Hadiths (sayings of the Prophet Muhammad), there are references to the moon in the context of the miraculous event known as the splitting of the moon (Shaqq al-Qamar), which is considered a sign of the Prophet's truthfulness.

      1. Symbolism of the Moon in Islamic Culture

The Moon as a Symbol of Beauty and Guidance: In Islamic poetry and literature, the moon is often used as a symbol of beauty, purity, and guidance. It is also a metaphor for the enlightened one who guides others, much like prophets and saints who guide their followers on the right path.

Sufi Symbolism: Sufi mystics have used lunar symbolism extensively to represent the journey of the soul towards divine light, with the moon reflecting the light of the sun, symbolizing the divine truth reflected in the enlightened heart.

      1. Historical Significance of "Q-M-R"

Pre-Islamic Era: Before the advent of Islam, the moon held a significant place in Arabian society with many tribes being lunar-oriented in their navigation, calendar, and even their mythology. Islam transformed these practices by retaining the lunar calendar but shifting the focus of veneration from the moon itself to the Creator.

Islamic Calendar: The Islamic, or Hijri, calendar is based on the lunar cycle, and it is used to determine the dates of important religious events such as Ramadan, Hajj, and the Eids. This calendar is a constant reminder of the celestial rhythm that governs the spiritual life of Muslims.

Architectural and Artistic Representations: The crescent moon has been adopted in Islamic architecture and iconography, often atop mosques and minarets, symbolizing the Islamic faith.

      1. "Q-M-R" in Naming and Social Practices

Use in Names: Names derived from the root "Q-M-R," like Qamar, Qamr al-Din, or Jamil Qamar (beautiful moon), are popular, reflecting the cultural importance of the moon. Such names are not only personal identifiers but also carry connotations of nobility, radiance, and spirituality.

Literary and Scholarly Usage: Scholars and poets with names derived from "Q-M-R" have often contributed to the rich tapestry of Islamic learning and literature, using the moon's symbolism in their works to illustrate various spiritual and philosophical concepts.

      1. Conclusion

The root "Q-M-R" encapsulates more than just the physical moon; it represents a range of concepts from guidance and timekeeping to beauty and reflection. It has been woven into the fabric of Islamic history, culture, and daily life through its use in language, literature, spirituality, and social customs. The moon's symbolism has been a potent means for Muslims throughout history to express their faith, their values, and their connection to the divine.

Halit Ziya KARTAL, [11/11/2023, 11:58] now do deep dive about Q M R in islamic history

Eyüp Kartal, [11/11/2023, 13:02] Turning the body over he beheld a boyish face as white as plum-bloom, the pencilling of a moustache upon its upper lip. The eyes were closed. On close inspection it appeared that life was not extinct.

Camruddin ran to a spring of which he knew the whereabouts, bringing back sufficient water in his fez to bathe the young man's brow and wet his lips. A faint moan and a flutter of the eyelids thanked him. Then, having listened to make sure that there was no one coming on the road, he went up to the grazing horse, which proved obedient, climbed to the saddle, and was riding off when he descried another body lying on its back behind a bush—the body of a trooper, who had had his brains blown out. The ground about the place was thick with hoof-prints.

'The servant of the officer,' he guessed. 'His horse was of a baser breed—it fled. Allah have mercy on him!'
With which reflection he pressed his heels against the charger's flanks, and went careering up the terraced slope not without pleasure, the horse negotiating the low walls without a slip. His people, by good fortune, had returned from market. Amid their din of exclama tion at the sight of such a horse, he told them briefly what had happened, and his plan of action. His mother raised objections, but he, supported by his sister Melek, overcame them. In the end she grumbled : ' Be it as thou wilt. My fear is of disaster and suspicion for our house. Allah forbid that we should turn away from the unfortunate.' 

His brothers, meanwhile, had produced an ancient litter, which they had in readiness when he returned from stabling the horse. And then they three, with Melek as a scout, went down and fetched the wounded man, leaving the dead man where he lay, with prayers to Allah. For days the young bey flickered between life and death, the members of the household taking turns in nursing him.

At last one morning he awoke and spoke to Camruddin, who chanced to be on duty at the moment, in a feeble voice. He wished to see his uniform. Camruddin produced the garments from the press in which they lay, and spread them on the bed for his inspection. With feverish anxiety the young bey felt the tunic. ' Empty ! ' he wailed and seemed to swoon away, but presently his eyes re-opened and he asked,—

'Did Ahmed take them?'
'Which Ahmed?' inquired Camruddin.
'Ahmed, my orderly, I mean, of course.'
'He was shot dead.'
'Allah have mercy on him!' The patient paid no other tribute to poor Ahmed's fate, but went on to exclaim, —
' Then they have got them ! '

By dint of patient questioning the listener gleaned that there had been dispatches of importance in the tunic. '

How long ago ? ' was asked, and ' Five days ' answered.

'Then all is lost,' declared the wounded man. He closed his eyes, and lay awhile as if unconscious. Then suddenly he spoke in stronger tones,— 

'Behold me penniless and near to death. My promise is worth nothing. But if you seek the good reward hereafter, go to Saloniki to my captain, Arif Hikmet Bey, and tell him what has happened to me, Basri Bey. The welfare of Islam is in the message. It must be delivered in ten days from now or all is lost.' He added in a weaker tone : ' Unless the Lord of Right vouchsafes a miracle.'

'Be easy. I will go at once,' said Camruddin.
'Allah reward you!' The young man closed his eyes and fell asleep. 

Camruddin went out to seek his mother, who was washing at the spring. She cried aloud against his going on so long a journey. The danger and the need of haste were all imaginary. Men near to death had often evil dreams; Camruddin had done well to humour their sick guest, but as for really setting out on such an errand —and so forth.

It was Melek, her daughter, who reminded her that Saloniki was the present home of Sadik Pasha, Camruddin's benefactor, and of her repeated wish that he would go there to salute His Excellency.
'I did but wait for an occasion,' put in Camruddin.

Halit Ziya KARTAL, [11/11/2023, 13:24] translate this based on previous frame i said, here

Aydan istiaze[]

Aya Baktığında veya Yeni Ayı Gördüğünde

Aya Baktığında

Bu karanlık gecenin (Ay'ının) şerrinden Allah'a sığınırım.

Hilâli (Yeni Ay) Gördüğünde[]

Allah büyüktür, hamd Ona mahsustur, havi ve kuvvet Allah iledir.

Allahım, bu ayın hayrını Senden istiyor, mahşerde kötü duruma düşmekten Sana sığınıyorum. Allah büyüktür.

Allahım, bu ayı yümnü bereket, iman, selamet, İslâm ve sevip razı olacağın hususlarda muvaffakiyet vermekle üzerimize doğdur.

(Ey) hayır ve rüşd hilâli, benim ve senin Rabbimiz Allah'tır. (3 defa)

Allahım, Senden bu ayın ve kaderin hayrını diler ve onun şerrinden Sana sığınırım. (3 defa)

Allahım, bu Ay'ı bizler için emniyet, iman, selâmet, İslâm, Rahmân'dan hoşnutluk ve şeytandan da sakınma vesilesi olarak üzerimize doğdur.


Lupa Erkek adı , Lupa Kız adı[]

Ico libri Anlamlar

[1] Ay anlamında bir erkek veya kız ismi

Nuvola apps bookcase Köken

[1] Nuvola apps bookcase Köken


Lupa Özel ad[]

Ico libri Anlamlar

[1] Kut­sal kitapta adı geçen kent. Kudüs'ün kuzeyi.
[2] Tutankhamun (Tutankamon) ölünce dul karısıyla evlenip tahta çıkan Eski Mısır firavunu

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ay dedeye misafir olmak

Crystal Clear app Community Help Atasözleri

Ay görmüşün yıldıza minneti yoktur
Ay ışığında ceviz silkilmez
Ay var yılı besler, yıl var ayı beslemez
Öksüz hırsızlığa çıkarsa ay ilk akşamdan doğar
Öksüz oynaşa çıkmış, ay akşamdan doğmuş

Books-aj.svg aj ashton 01f Kaynaklar

  • Şablon:Yurtsever-TAD-1997


az:Ay en:Ay fr:Ay gn:Ay mg:Ay


Durum Tekil Çoğul
Yalın ay aylar
Belirtme (-i) ayı ayları
Yönelme (-e) aya aylara
Bulunma (-de) ayda aylarda
Çıkma (-den) aydan aylardan
Tamlayan ayın ayların


Write Yazılışlar

Eski Yazı: آی Kiril: ај

Ico libri Anlamlar

[1] [[{{{2}}}#Şablon:Gök bilimi|{{{2}}}]] Dünya'nın uydusu,
[2] [[{{{2}}}#Şablon:Gök bilimi|{{{2}}}]] Bir gezegenin yönüngesinde yer alan gök cismi,
[3] [[{{{2}}}#Şablon:Halk ağzı|{{{2}}}]] Bayraklarda simge olarak kullanılan hilal,
[4] [[{{{2}}}#Şablon:Gök bilimi|{{{2}}}]] Yılın oniki bölümünden her birisi,
[5] Yaklaşık 30 gün, olarak kabul edilen süre

Nuvola apps bookcase Köken

[1] Nuvola apps bookcase Köken

Balance icon Eş Anlamlılar

[1] kamer

Fairytale up blue Üst Kavramlar

[1] gezegen, uydu, gök cismi

Şablon:Alt Kavramlar

[1] dolunay, yarımay, hilal, ayça, yeni ay, eski ay

Crystal Clear app Login Manager Deyimler

[1] ayı gördüm seni sandım, seni gördüm ayı sandım

Blue & gray people Sözcük Birliktelikleri

[1] ay ağılı, ay balığı, ay balta, ay çekirdeği, ayçiçeği, ayçöreği, ay dede, aydemir, ay dönümü, ay evi, ay ışığı, ay karanlığı, ay modülü, ay örümceği, ay parçası, ay takvimi, ay tutulması, ay yıldız, ay yılı
[4] aybaşı, aybeay, ay-gün takvimi, ay-gün yılı, aydan aya

Şablon:Benzer Sözcükler

[1] ayı

Nuvola Turkish flag Türk Dilleri

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Crystal Clear app internet Çeviriler


AF - Afv - af

Af/Sözlük Af/WP Af/VP
Kur'an'da af Hadiste af Tefsir'de af Türk kültüründe af Oryantalistlerin eserlerinde af
Kanuni Sultan Süleyman ın oğlunun babasından affedilme talepli şiiri. Affetmekle ilgili güzel yazılar AFF-I HUSUSİ Af kanunu İnfaz kanunu ile af 2020 infaz affı

: [2] [[maan#

20160207 071955

D. 3/134- 3/133-3/135- 3/136- Af- öfkesini yutmak


AF - Afv - af

Af/Sözlük Af/WP Af/VP
Kur'an'da af Hadiste af Tefsir'de af Türk kültüründe af Oryantalistlerin eserlerinde af
Kanuni Sultan Süleyman ın oğlunun babasından affedilme talepli şiiri. Affetmekle ilgili güzel yazılar AFF-I HUSUSİ Af kanunu İnfaz kanunu ile af 2020 infaz affı

|maan]] (af)

  • Şablon:De: [1,2] Mond (de) e., [3] Halbmond (de) e., [4,5] Monat (de) e.,
  • Şablon:Grc: [2] Σελήνη (la) (Selḗnē)
  • Şablon:Ang: [2] [[móna#Şablon:Ang|móna]] (ang)
  • Arapça: [1, 2] قمر (ar) (qámar)
  • Şablon:Ban: [] bulan
  • Şablon:Bn: [2] [[চাঁদ#Şablon:Bn|চাঁদ]] (bn) (चाँद, cām̐da)
  • Şablon:Bg: [2] луна (bg) (luna)
  • Chinese: {{{1}}}: [2] [[月球#Chinese: {{{1}}}|月球]] (zh) (yuèqiú)
  • Şablon:Da: [1] måne (da); [2] månen (da)
  • (İngilizce): [1-2] [[moon#(İngilizce)|moon]] (en); [3] [[crescent#(İngilizce)|crescent]] (en); [5] [[month#(İngilizce)|month]] (en)
  • Şablon:Eo: [2] [[luno#Şablon:Eo|luno]] (eo)
  • Şablon:Et: [2] kuu (et)
  • Şablon:Fi: [1-3] kuu (fi)
  • Şablon:Fr: [1] satellite (fr), [2] lune (fr) d.; [5] croissant (fr)
  • Şablon:Fy: [2] [[moanne#Şablon:Fy|moanne]] (fy)
  • Şablon:Gl: [2] [[lúa#Şablon:Gl|lúa]] (gl)
  • Bakınız

    Şablon:Elbakınız - d {{El}}

    El Masaj El masajı Ayak masajı
    Nefes darlığı ve ayak masajı Nefes darlığı ve el masajı
    Peygamberleri el mucizeleri

    : [1] δορυφόρος (el) (doryfóros); [2, 5] φεγγάρι (el) (fengári); [2] Σελήνη (el) (Selíni)
  • Şablon:Gu: [2, 5] [[ચંદ્ર#Şablon:Gu|ચંદ્ર]] (gu) (candra)
  • Şablon:He: [2] הירח (he) (h?jareach)
  • Şablon:Hi: [2] [[चंद्रमा#Şablon:Hi|चंद्रमा]] (hi) (candramā)
  • Şablon:İo: [2] [[luno#Şablon:İo|luno]] (io)
  • Şablon:İd: [2] [[bulan#Şablon:İd|bulan]] (id)
  • Şablon:İa: [2] [[luna#Şablon:İa|luna]] (ia)
  • Şablon:Ga: [2] [[gealach#Şablon:Ga|gealach]] (ga)
  • Şablon:İs: [1,2] tungl (is)
  • (İtalyanca): [2] luna (it)
  • Japonca: [2, 3]  (ja) (つき, tsuki)
  • Şablon:Ca: [2] lluna (ca) d.
  • Şablon:Ko: [1,2]  (ko) (dal); [1] 위성 (ko) (oui-sung)
  • Şablon:Ku: [1] hîv (ku); [4] meh (ku)
  • Şablon:Kw: [2] [[loer#Şablon:Kw|loer]] (kw)
  • Şablon:Hr: [2] mjesec (hr)

|} | width=1% | |bgcolor="#FFFFE0" valign=top width=48%|

  • Şablon:La: [1] satelles (la); [2] luna (la)
  • Şablon:Lv: [2] [[mēness#Şablon:Lv|mēness]] (lv)
  • Şablon:Li: [2] [[luna#Şablon:Li|luna]] (li)
  • Şablon:Lt: [2] [[mėnulis#Şablon:Lt|mėnulis]] (lt)
  • Şablon:Ms: [2] [[bulan#Şablon:Ms|bulan]] (ms)
  • Şablon:Zh-min-nan: [2] [[go̍eh-niû#Şablon:Zh-min-nan|go̍eh-niû]] (zh-min-nan)
  • Şablon:Nah: [1,3] [[metztli#Şablon:Nah|metztli]] (nah)
  • Şablon:Nl: [2] maan (nl)
  • Şablon:No: [2] månen (no)
  • Farsça: [2] [[ماه#Farsça|ماه]] (fa) (māh)
  • Plattdeutsch: [2] [[maand#Şablon:Nds|maand]] (nds)
  • Polonya Bayrağı Polonya: [2] księżyc (pl)
  • Şablon:Pt [2] lua (pt)
  • Şablon:Rm: [2] [[glina#Şablon:Rm|glina]] (rm)
  • Şablon:Ro: [2] luna (ro)
  • Şablon:Ru: [1] спутник (ru) (spútnik), [2] луна (ru) (luná), [2, 5] месяц (ru) (méssjaz);
  • Şablon:Sv: [1] måne (sv), [2] månen (sv)
  • Şablon:Sr: [2] месец (sr) / mesec (sr)
  • Şablon:Sk: [2] mesiac (sk)
  • Şablon:Sl: [1, 2] luna (sl), [2] mesec (sl)
  • Şablon:Dsb: [2] mjasek
  • Şablon:Hsb: [1] satelit; [2] měsačk
  • Şablon:Es: [1] satélite (es), [2] luna (es)
  • {{[[Şablon:{{{1}}}|{{{1}}}]]}}: [2] [[buwan#{{[[Şablon:{{{1}}}|{{{1}}}]]}}|buwan]] (tl)
  • Şablon:Th: [2] [[ดวงจันทร์#Şablon:Th|ดวงจันทร์]] (th)
  • Şablon:Tpi: [2] [[mun#Şablon:Tpi|mun]] (tpi)
  • Şablon:Cs: [2] měsíc (cs)
  • Şablon:Uk: [1] [[супутник#Şablon:Uk|супутник]] (uk) (suputnyk) [2] [[місяць#Şablon:Uk|місяць]] (uk) (missjaz)
  • Şablon:Vi: [2] [[mặt trăng#Şablon:Vi|mặt trăng]] (vi)



Lupa Ünlem[]

Ico libri Anlamlar

[1] Birdenbire duyulan acı, ağrı, şaşırma, korku ya da sevinç gibi duyguları anlatan söz.
[2] Ayol.



Ico libri Anlamlar

[1] ay

Eski Türkçe


Ico libri Anlamlar

[1] Ay
[2] Turuncu renkte ipek kumaş
[3] Hitap edatı
[4] Buyruğu tanımamayı bildiren bir söz
[5] Beylerin hizmetçisi kölesi, bunların adı yazılı defter



Ico libri Anlamlar

[1] Şehr, mah, kamer.
[2] Argun han Bin kira hanı oğlu ismi dir.



Ico libri Anlamlar

[1] aya, kutsal
[2] ay

Nuvola apps bookcase Köken

[1] Nuvola apps bookcase Köken
[2] Nuvola apps bookcase Köken ay

Crystal Clear app internet Çeviriler

  • (İngilizce): [1] [[holy#(İngilizce)|holy]] (en), [[saint#(İngilizce)|saint]] (en); [2] [[moon#(İngilizce)|moon]] (en)

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Books-aj.svg aj ashton 01f Kaynaklar

  • Şablon:Kaynak-EtymDict



Ico libri Anlamlar

[1] ay



Ico libri Anlamlar

[1] ay (yılın 12 de biri)

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Ico libri Anlamlar

[1] ay

Books-aj.svg aj ashton 01f Kaynaklar

af:ay az:ay br:ay de:ay el:ay en:ay et:ay fa:ay fi:ay fr:ay fy:ay gl:ay hr:ay hu:ay ie:ay io:ay it:ay ja:ay ko:ay ku:ay ky:ay lo:ay lt:ay mg:ay nl:ay no:ay pl:ay pt:ay ru:ay sv:ay te:ay tl:ay uk:ay vi:ay wo:ay
