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I. Faruk (Arapça: فاروق الاول; d. 11 Şubat 1920 - ö. 18 Mart 1965), 1936 - 1952 arasında Mısır kralı. Ünvanı; Mısır ve Sudan Kralı, Darfur ve Nübye hükümdarı.

16 yaşında babası I. Fuad'ın ölümü üzerine tahta çıktı. II. Dünya Savaşı sırasında Mısır'daki İngiliz askeri varlığına karşı tarafsız kalmaya çalıştı. Savaştan sonra kurulan İsrail'e karşı yapılan 1948 Arap-İsrail Savaşı'nda alınan ağır yenilgi ve İngiliz işgalinin kaldırılamaması, milliyetçiliğin güçlenmesine neden oldu. Bu başarısızlıkları Kral Faruk'un kötü ve yetersiz yönetimine bağlayan Cemal Abdülnasır liderliğindeki Hür Subaylar Hareketi 1952'de Faruk'u tahttan çekilmeye zorladı.

Yerine çocuk yaşlardaki oğlu II. Fuad geçtiyse de, bir yıla kalmadan Mısır'da Cumhuriyet ilan edildi. 1965 yılında Roma'da öldü.


رحيل الملك فاروق

رحيل الملك فاروق


King Farouk the greatest

King Farouk the greatest


King Farouk opens parliament 1951 الملك فاروق يفتتح اخر دوره برلمانيه

King Farouk opens parliament 1951


مراسم زواج الملك فاورق والملكه فريدهMarrige cermony of king Frouk

arrige cermony of king Frouk


Ümmü Gülsüm & Kral Faruk un Tahta Çıkış Töreninde Okuduğu Eser

Ümmü Gülsüm & Kral Faruk un Tahta Çıkış Töreninde Okuduğu Eser


King Farouk of Egypt (part 1) الملك فاروق فى المنفى

King Farouk of Egypt (part 1) الملك فاروق فى المنفى


King Farouk of Egypt (part 2) الملك فاروق فى المنفى

King Farouk of Egypt (part 2) الملك فاروق فى المنفى


King Farouk of Egypt (part 3) الملك فاروق فى المنفى

King Farouk of Egypt (part 3) الملك فاروق فى المنفى


King Farouk of Egypt (part 4) الملك فاروق فى المنفى

King Farouk of Egypt (part 4) الملك فاروق فى المنفى


الملكة فريدة Queen Farida of Egypt

الملكة فريدة Queen Farida of Egypt


HM Princess Fawzia الاميرة فوزية

HM Princess Fawzia الاميرة فوزية -lamma bada yatasanna hubbu cemali fatanna - لما بدى يتثنى singer : Lena Chamamyan - لينا شماميان -


Nazli Sabri ( نازلى صبرى)


Queen nazli 2010

queen nazli 2010 güncellenmiş trajedi filmi


Layla Mourad 2009

Layla Mourad 2009


I. Faruk

Dosya:I. Faruk (Time).jpg

I. Faruk (9 Ağustos 1937 tarihli Time dergisi kapağı)

I. Faruk (Arapça: فاروق الاول; d. 11 Şubat 1920 - ö. 18 Mart 1965), 1936 - 1952 arasında Mısır kralı. Ünvanı; Mısır ve Sudan Kralı, Darfur ve Nübye hükümdarı.

16 yaşında babası I. Fuad'ın ölümü üzerine tahta çıktı. II. Dünya Savaşı sırasında Mısır'daki İngiliz askeri varlığına karşı tarafsız kalmaya çalıştı. Savaştan sonra kurulan İsrail'e karşı yapılan 1948 Arap-İsrail Savaşı'nda alınan ağır yenilgi ve İngiliz işgalinin kaldırılamaması, milliyetçiliğin güçlenmesine neden oldu. Bu başarısızlıkları Kral Faruk'un kötü ve yetersiz yönetimine bağlayan Cemal Abdülnasır liderliğindeki Hür Subaylar Hareketi 1952'de Faruk'u tahttan çekilmeye zorladı.

Yerine çocuk yaşlardaki oğlu II. Fuad geçtiyse de, bir yıla kalmadan Mısır'da Cumhuriyet ilan edildi. 1965 yılında Roma'da öldü.

Kavalalı Hanedanı soyağacı[]

1. Mehmet Ali
2. İbrahim
4. Said
5. İsmail
3. I. Abbas
9. I. Fuad
6. Tevfik
8. Hüseyin Kâmil
10. Faruk
7. Abbas Hilmi
11. II. Fuad

Önce gelen:
I. Fuad
Mısır Kralı
1936 - 1952
Sonra gelen:<br./>II. Fuad

ar:فاروق الأول arz:فاروق الاول bg:Фарук I ca:Faruk I cs:Farúk I. da:Farouk af Ægypten de:Faruq en:Farouk of Egypt es:Faruq I de Egipto et:Fārūq I fa:ملک فاروق fi:Faruq fr:Farouk Ier d'Égypte he:פארוק הראשון id:Farouk dari Mesir it:Faruq I d'Egitto ja:ファールーク1世 (エジプト王) jv:Farouk saking Mesir ka:ფარუკი (ეგვიპტე) ko:파루크 1세 la:Faruq (rex Aegypti) ms:Raja Farouk I nl:Faroek van Egypte no:Faruk I av Egypt pl:Faruk I pt:Faruk do Egito ro:Farouk al Egiptului ru:Фарук I sl:Faruk sv:Farouk I av Egypten th:พระเจ้าฟารุกที่ 1 แห่งอียิปต์ zh:法鲁克一世

Esi sozluk[]

eski mısır kralı. 1920'de kahire'de doğdu. 16 yaşında babası ahmet fuad'ın ölümüyle kral oldu. 18'inde de tam yetkiye kavuştu. 1965 yılında krallığını kaybetmiş bir monaco vatandaşı olarak hayata gözlerini yumdu.

1952 yilinda muhammed necib ve cemal abdul nasir onderliginde bir darbeyle devrilmistir. tarihte bir kraldan cok sorumsuz bir playboy olarak anilmaktadir

daha cok tavernada ud calan uzun saclı şarkıcı tadında bir isme sahip kral.

white men cant jump filminde adamlarimizin katildigi buyuk odullu turnuvada finalde karsilastiklari sokak basketbolu efsanesi ikilinin biri. bunlar kral faruk ve ordek jones diye anilan ikilidirler.

1960'ların hayat dergisinde sabık mısır kralı faruk olarak anılırdı. şöle tombalak, biraz yağlı, kısa boylu, kara gözlü bir araptı bu adamcağız. kral olmak önemli bir şeymiş hissi vermezdi resmine bakana, ama döneminde iran şahı rıza pehlevi, onun çocuk doğuramadığı için boşandığı ilk karısı prenses süreyya ve sonra çocuk doğuran ikinci karısı farah diba gibi şahsiyetlerle birlikte arz-ı endam edişiyle bir güngörmüşlük duygusu yaratırdı, ne yalan söyleyeyim. bir de christiaan barnard vardı sahi o günlerde.

unvani tam olarak "misir ve sudan krali, darfur ve nubya hukumdari". misir'daki turk hanedaninin son temsilcisi. kleptomanligindan dolayi "kahire'nin hirsizi" olarak aniliyordu. arakladiklari arasinda iran sah'inin bir kilici ve churcill'in bir saati de vardi. kisa boyuna ragmen 136 kiloya kadar cikmisti. dunya kadar varligi olmasina ragmen hicbir sekilde tatmin olmazdi. ara sira sirf alisveris yapmak icin avrupa'ya yolculuk yapardi. evlendigi kizin ismini begenmemesi ise aslinda anlasilabilir. zira kralice feride'nin gercek ismi safinaz'dir.

boyle hasta ruhlu birisinin araplarin en onemli devletinin lideri olmasi ne kadar da aci degil mi? kendimi o zamanlarda yasamis bir misirlinin yerine koyuyorum da, ne kadar utanc verici bir sey kralin bir hirsiz olmasi. hos turkiye'nin liderleri cok mu temiz sanki. ustelik yaptiklari hirsizliklar oyle masum seyler de degil. banka hortumcularina yardim etmek, ihalelerden pay almak vs. ama hic degilse uluslararasi camiada hirsiz olarak taninmiyorlar.

kavalalı sarayında türkçe konuşulduğu için 16-17 yaşına kadar neredeyse hiç arapça bilmeyen kral,roma'da bir hayli "decadent" bir sürgün hayatı yaşamış olup fellini'nin la dolce vitada tasvir ettiği ortamların ilham kaynağıdır.

kavalalı sülalesindendir ve kavalalı mehmed ali paşa'nın torununun torunudur. binaenaleyh mısır'da "50'lere kadar bizi türkler yönetti" kabilinden laflar döner. zira arnavut olmasına rağmen, halk kavalalıyı 'türk' adleder.

1944'te adapazarı ve civarında olan depremden sonra felaketzedelere 1000 mısır lirası yardımda bulunmuştur.

mısırın başına gelmiş en büyük kabuslardan biridir.

mısır'daki devrimin ardından ülkeden kovulmuş ve italya'ya yerleşmiş, geride ise oldukça büyük bir hazine ve bir yığın pornografik materyal bırakmıştır. mısır vatandaşlığından çıkartılmasının ardından ise kankası olan monako prensi üçüncü rainier tarafından monako vatandaşlığına kabul edilmiştir.

tahta çıktığı yıllarda zayıfça bir adam olan kral faruk, ağır beslenme alışkanlıkları nedeniyle 135 kiloya kadar çıktı. 1965 yılında italya'daki bir lokantada yine böyle ağır bir yemek sonrası yere yığılarak öldü. hakkında mısırlı ajanlar tarafından zehirlendiği dedikoduları çıkarıldı. cemal abdülnasır kralın cenazesini almayı önce reddetti, ancak suudi arabistan'dan kralın ailesine "onlar gömmüyorlarsa biz gömeriz" teklifi gelince nasır yumuşadı ve kral faruk en sonunda mısır'a gömüldü.

-josephine bakerın bu adamı baştan çıkararak savaşa soktuğu söylenir: çok usta cepçiydi, bir resepsiyonda churchill'in cep saatini yürütmüştü.

“krallık artık sadece iskambil kağıtlarında ve ingiltere’de var olacak” sözünün sahibi devrik kral.

Farouk I of Egypt (Arabic: فاروق الأولFārūq al-Awwal) (11 February 1920 – 18 March 1965), was the tenth ruler from the Muhammad Ali Dynasty and the penultimate King of Egypt and Sudan, succeeding his father, Fuad I, in 1936.

His full title was "His Majesty Farouk I, by the grace of God, King of Egypt and Sudan, Sovereign of Nubia, ofKordofan, and of Darfur." He was overthrown in the Egyptian Revolution of 1952, and was forced to abdicate in favor of his infant son Ahmed Fuad, who succeeded him as King Fuad II. He died in exile in Italy.

His sister was Princess Fawzia Fuad, first wife and Queen Consort of the Shah of Iran Mohammad Reza Pahlavi.


[hide]*1 Early life

[edit]Early life[]

As Crown Prince, Farouk held the rank of First Scout of Egypt.


The great-great-grandson of Muhammad Ali Pasha, Farouk was of Albanian descent as well as native Egyptian and Turkish descent through his mother Queen Nazli Sabri.[2][3] Before his father's death, he was educated at the Royal Military Academy, Woolwich, England. Upon his coronation, the hugely popular 16-year-old King Farouk made a public radio address to the nation, the first time a sovereign of Egypt had ever spoken directly to his people in such a way:

And if it is God's will to lay on my shoulders at such an early age the responsibility of kingship, I on my part appreciate the duties that will be mine, and I am prepared for all sacrifices in the cause of my duty... My noble people, I am proud of you and your loyalty and am confident in the future as I am in God. Let us work together. We shall succeed and be happy. Long live the Motherland!

Farouk was enamored of the glamorous royal lifestyle. Although he already had thousands of acres of land, dozens of palaces, and hundreds of cars, the youthful king would often travel to Europe for grand shopping sprees, earning the ire of many of his subjects. It is said that he ate 600 oysters a week.[2]

He was most popular in his early years and the nobility largely celebrated him. For example, during theaccession of the young King Farouk, "the Abaza family had solicited palace authorities to permit the royal train to stop briefly in their village so that the king could partake in refreshments offered in a large, magnificently ornamented tent they had erected in the train station."[4]

Farouk's accession initially was encouraging for the populace and nobility, due to his youth and Egyptian roots through his mother Nazli Sabri. However, the situation was not the same with some Egyptian politicians and elected government officials, with whom Farouk quarreled a lot, despite their loyalty in principle to his throne.

During the hardships of World War II, criticism was leveled at Farouk for his lavish lifestyle. His decision to not put out the lights at his palace in Alexandria, during a time when the city was blacked out because of German and Italian bombing, was deemed particularly offensive by Egyptian people. Due to the continuing British occupation of Egypt, many Egyptians, Farouk included, were positively disposed towards Germany and Italy, and despite the presence of British troops, Egypt remained officially neutral until the final year of the war. Consequently, the royal Italian servants of Farouk were not interned, and there is an unconfirmed story that Farouk told British Ambassador Sir Miles Lampson (who had an Italian wife), "I'll get rid of my Italians when you get rid of yours".[citation needed] In addition, Farouk was known for harbouring certain Axis sympathies and even sending a note to Hitler saying that an invasion would be welcome.[5] Farouk only declared war on the Axis Powers under heavy British pressure in 1945, long after the fighting in Egypt's Western Desert had ceased.

Farouk is also reported as having said "The whole world is in revolt. Soon there will be only five Kings left—the King of England, the King of Spades, the King of Clubs, the King of Hearts, and the King of Diamonds."[6]


Farouk was widely condemned for his corrupt and ineffectual governance, the continued British occupation, and the Egyptian army's failure to prevent the loss of 78% of Palestine to the newly formed State of Israel in the 1948 Arab-Israeli War. Public discontent against Farouk rose to new levels.[citation needed] In theCIA, the project to overthrow King Farouk, known internally known as "Project FF [Fat Fucker]",[7] was initiated by CIA operative Kermit Roosevelt, Jr. The CIA was disappointed in King Farouk for not improving the functionality and usefulness of his government [8] and had actively supported the toppling of King Farouk by the Free Officers.[9] Finally, on 23 July 1952, the Free Officers Movement under Muhammad Naguib and Gamal Abdel Nasser staged a military coup that launched the Egyptian Revolution of 1952. Farouk was forced to abdicate, and went into exile in Monaco and Italy where he lived for the rest of his life.[citation needed] Immediately following his abdication, Farouk's baby son, Ahmed Fuad was proclaimed King Fuad II, but for all intents and purposes Egypt was now governed by Naguib, Nasser and the Free Officers.[citation needed] On 18 June 1953, the revolutionary government formally abolished the monarchy, ending 150 years of the Muhammad Ali dynasty's rule, and Egypt was declared a republic.[citation needed]

The revolutionary government quickly moved to auction off the King's vast collection of trinkets and treasures.[citation needed] Among the more famous of his possessions was one of the rare 1933 Double Eagle coins, though the coin disappeared before it could be returned to the United States.[citation needed]

[edit]Exile and death[]

[2][3]Farouk I with his wife Narriman and their son Fuad II in exile in Capri, Italy(1953)

On his exile from Egypt, Farouk settled first in Monaco, and later in Rome, Italy. On 29 April 1958, the United Arab Republic issued rulings revoking the Egyptian citizenship of Farouk.[10] He was granted Monegasque citizenship in 1959 by his close friend Prince Rainier III.[11]

The blue-eyed Farouk was thin early in his reign, but later gained enormous weight. His taste for fine cuisine made him dangerously obese, weighing nearly 300 pounds (136 kg)—an acquaintance described him as "a stomach with a head". He died in the Ile de France restaurant in Rome, Italy on 18 March 1965. He collapsed and died at his dinner table following a characteristically heavy meal.[12] While some claim he was poisoned by Egyptian Intelligence,[13] no official autopsy was conducted on his body. His will stated that his burial place should be in theAl Rifa'i Mosque in Cairo, but the request was denied by the Egyptian government under Gamal Abdel Nasser, and he was going to be buried in Italy. King Faisal of Saudi Arabia stated he would be willing to have King Farouk buried in Saudi Arabia, upon which President Nasser agreed for the former monarch to be buried in Egypt, not in the Mosque of Al Rifai' but in the Ibrahim Pasha Burial Site.[citation needed]

A likely apocryphal story about Farouk's lavish living in exile was that he refused to donate money to relieve poverty on the basis that "If I donate my fortune to buy food, all of Egypt eats today, eats tomorrow, and the day after that they are starving once again", thus rationalizing his high living.

[edit]Marriages and affairs[]

[4][5]Farouk I with his wife Queen Faridaand their first-born daughter Ferial (c. 1939)

In addition to an affair with the British writer Barbara Skelton, among numerous others, Farouk was married twice, with a claim of a third marriage (see below). His first wife was Safinaz Zulficar (1921–1988), the daughter ofYoussef Zulficar Pasha. Safinaz was renamed Farida upon her marriage. They were married in 1938, and divorced in 1948, producing three daughters.

Farouk's second wife was a commoner, Narriman Sadek (1934–2005). They were married in 1951, and divorced in 1954, having only one child, the future King Fuad II.

While in exile in Italy, Farouk met Irma Capece Minutolo, an opera singer, who became his companion. In 2005, she claimed that she married the former King in 1957.[3]



The ostentatious king's name is used to describe imitation Louis XV-style furniture known as "Louis-Farouk". The imperial French style furniture became fashionable among Egypt's upper classes during Farouk's reign so Egyptian artisans began to mass-produce it. The style uses ornate carving, is heavily gilded, and covered in very elaborate cloth.[14] The style, or imitations thereof, remains widespread in Egypt.

[edit]Coin collection[]

King Farouk amassed one of the most famous coin collections in history.[15]



[edit]See also[]


  1. ^ Rizk, Yunan Labib (28 July – 3 August 2005). "Crowning moment". Al-Ahram Weekly (753). Retrieved 2010-02-25.
  2. ^ Goldschmidt, Arthur (2000). Biographical dictionary of modern Egypt. Lynne Rienner Publishers. p. 191. ISBN 1555872298.
  3. ^ "Ancestors of Queen Nazli" (JPG). Retrieved 2010-03-01.[dead link]
  4. ^ Al-Ahram Weekly
  5. ^ Pinkus, Oscar (2005). "Fortress Europe" (preview). The war aims and strategies of Adolf Hitler. Jefferson, North Carolina: McFarland & Company, Inc.. p. 161. Retrieved 2010-07-27.
  6. ^ The Quotation Page, Quotation #86
  7. ^ Geoffrey Wawro, Quicksand: America's Pursuit of Power in the Middle East. The Penguin Press, 2010.
  8. ^ Miles Axe Copeland, Jr., The Game Player: Confessions of the CIA's Original Political Operative, London: Aurum Press, 1989
  9. ^ Miles Axe Copeland, Jr., "The Game of Nations: The Amorality of Power Politics, New York: Simon & Schuster, 1970"
  10. ^ Halsey, William Darrach; Friedman, Emanuel (1983). "Faruk I" (snippet view). Collier's Encyclopedia with Bibliography and Index. Vol. 9. New York: Macmillan Educational Co. p. 574. OCLC 9355858. Retrieved 2010-02-25.
  11. ^ "Monaco Makes Farouk Citizen". Deseret News 351 (107): p. A3. 5 May 1959. Retrieved 2010-02-25.
  12. ^ Time: "Egypt: A Tale of Two Autocrats", Mar. 26, 1965
  13. ^ Farouk of Egypt. Accessed 2010.02.26.
  14. ^ Burke, C: Lee Miller, a life, page 151. University of Chicago Press, 2005
  15. ^ [1]
  16. ^ Montgomery-Massingberd, Hugh, ed (1980). "The French Ancestry of King Farouk of Egypt". Burke's Royal Families of the World. Volume II: Africa & the Middle East. London: Burke's Peerage. p. 287. ISBN 9780850110296. OCLC 18496936.


[edit]Further reading[]

[edit]External links[]

Farouk of Egypt'Muhammad Ali Dynasty'Born: 11 February 1920Died: 18 March 1965
Regnal titles
Preceded by

Fuad I

King of Egypt

Sovereign of Nubia, the Sudan, Kordofan andDarfur 1936–1951

Name of title changed by
Law 176 of 16 October 1951
New title

Name of title changed by
Law 176 of 16 October 1951

King of Egypt and the Sudan


Succeeded by

Fuad II

Egyptian royalty

British ProtectorateTitle last held byPrince Muhammad Abdel Moneim

Heir to the Throne

as heir apparent 1922–1936

Succeeded by

Prince Muhammad Ali Tawfiq

New title Prince of the Sa'id



Title next held byAhmad Fuad, Prince of the Sa'id later became King Fuad II
