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Lindsay Lohan Müslüman mı Oldu?

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Lindsay Lohan on Converting to Islam - Good Morning Britain

Lindsay Lohan
Dosya:Actress Lindsay Lohan.jpg
MeslekOyuncu, şarkıcı
Resmî sitesiLindsay Lohan

Lindsay Dee Lohan (d. 2 Temmuz 1986, New York), Amerikalı oyuncu, model ve pop şarkıcısı, söz yazarı. Kariyerine çocuk model olarak başlamıştır. 11 yaşında ilk Disney 1998 Parent Trap filmi oldu.

Lohan, 2003 ve 2005 yılları arasında filmlerinde başrollerde oynayarak ünlülüğünü artırdı. Çılgın Cuma, Kötü Kızlar ve Herbie: Fully Loaded sonradan dahil bağımsız filmin Robert Altman'la A Prairie Home Companion ve Emilio Estevez, Boddy Kariyerinde 2007 yılında iki gibi kesildi. 2008 yılında kariyerine devam etti, 2008 yapımı Ugly Betty adlı televizyon dizisinde oynamıştır. 2009 yılında Robert Rodriguez'in Machete filminde oynamıştır.

Çocukluğu ve Eğitimi[]

Lohan, 2 Temmuz 1986 tarihinde doğmuş ve çocukluğunu New York'ta geçirmiştir. Babası Michael Lohan ve üç küçük kardeşi Aliana ("Ali") ve Dakota ("Cody").

Lohan'ın ailesinin karmaşık bir geçmişi vardır. 1985 yılında ayrılıp yeniden bir araya gelmiştir. Annesi ve babası, 2005 yılında yine ayrılmış ve 2007 yılında boşanma ile evliliklerini sonuçlandırmıştır.

1989-2002: İlk kariyeri[]

Lohan kendine yeni bir hayat seçerek iş hayatına başladı.Henüz üç yaşındayken çocuk modelliği yapmaya başladı. 1998'de gösterime giren film iyi bir gişe başarısı sağladı, ve Lohan'ın oyunculuğu sinema eleştirmenlerince beğenildi. 2000 ve 2002 yıllarında Life-Size ve Get a Clue adlı iki televizyon filminde rol aldı.

Son zamanlarda magazin basınında adından neredeyse her gün söz edilmektedir.Lohan, mankenlik kariyerine 3 yaşında Ford Model Ajansı'na kaydolarak başladı.60'tan fazla reklam filminde yer aldı. Onu çekici ve farklı kılan en büyük özelliği çilleri ve kızıl saçlarıydı. Kızıl saçları sayesinde küçük yaşta Abercrombie Kids, ve Calvin Klein gibi büyük markaların yüzü oldu.

En büyük çıkışlarından birini 1998 yılında yani henüz 12 yaşındayken oynadığı The Parent Trap filminde ikiz kızkardeşleri canlandırarak yaptı.

2003-2004: Freaky Friday ve Mean Girls[]

Dosya:Lindsay Lohan 2.jpg

Lohan, 2002 Yılında.

Sonradan,ikinci ismi olan Dee'yi Morgan olarak değiştirmiştir. Pop Müziğin sevilen isimlerindendir.2003 yılına kadar sessizliğini koruyan Lohan,o sene Freaky Friday adlı filmde 160 milyon $ gibi iyi bir gişe başarısı yakaladı.O zamanlar "Aaron Carter" adlı ünlü müzisyeni birlikte olduğu Hilary Duff'ın elinden 2003 yılının sonlarına doğru almasının ardından,Lindsay ve Hilary arasında bitmez bir savaş başladı.Lindsay, Aaron ve Hilary üçlüsü o senenin en çok konuşulan isimleri oldular. 2004 yılında babasının hapise girmesiyle hayatına yeni bir sayfa açan Lindsay, "That's 70's Show"'un karizmatik sunucusu Wilmer Valderrama ile anıldı.2004'te başarısını Mean Girls ve Confessions of a Teenage Drama Queen ile sürdürdü.

Lindsay'in en son 2005 yılında oynadığı Disney filmi Herbie: Fully Loaded dır.Aynı sene anne ve babasının boşanmasının ardından zor bir dönemden geçirerek blumia hastalığına yakalandı ve 10 kilo verdi,plastik bebek üreticisi olan Mattel'dan oyuncak bebeği piyasaya sürüldü. Vanity Fair dergisine verdiği röportajda sonradan inkar etse de kısa bir dönem uyuşturucu kullandığını söyleyerek ilgi odağı oldu.2005 yılından itibaren onu ünlü yapan Disney filmlerinde oynamayacağını belirterek başta Speak olmak üzere 2 albüm çıkardı.

Albüm yapma fikri, Tommy Mottola'dan çıktı. Mottola, Lindsay'in Freaky Friday de şarkı söyleyip gitar çaldığı sahnelerden çok etkilendiğini söyleyerek ona teklifi kabul ettirdi.Speak albümü Billboard 200 listesine 4. numaradan girdi. İlk single "Rumors",MTV Video Music Awards'da "En İyi Pop Single" ödülünü kazandı.2005 yılının sonlarında 2. albümü A Little More Personal (RAW) listelere 20. numaradan girdi. İlk single ise Linday'in babasına adadığı Dauther To Father oldu.Klipte Lindsay'in 1994 doğumlu kardeşi Aliana da rol aldı. Lindsay bu konuyla ilgili son olarak yeni albümün 2007 yazında geleceğini duyurdu.

2009-2010 : Muse ve Machete[]

2009 Yılında Kate Moss ve Johnny Depp’in 90’larda çekilmiş fotoğrafları Lindsay Lohan tarafından tekrarlandı.Dergide Lohan’ın ve arkadaşlarının 18 adet fotoğrafı yayınlandı. Petey Wright adlı erkek modelle görüntülenen Lohan’a bazı karelerde Madonna’nın dansçısı Sofia Boutelia da katılıyor.2010 yılında Machete filmine aday gösterilen Lohan, Machete"nin senaryosunu Lindsay Lohan'a da gönderdiğini belirten Rodriguez, güzel yıldızı filminde görmeyi çok arzu ettiğini söyledi, ve Lohan çok geçmeden teklifi kabul etti.


Bugüne kadar çekilmiş en sert porno filmlerden biri olarak bilinen, Deep Throatta filminin başrol oyuncusu, feminizmin koyu bir savunucusu, fuhuş, uyuşturucu müptelalığı ve porno endüstrisi arasında geçen yaşamıyla Linda Lovelace’in hayatı film oluyor.

Lovelace’in hayatını kimin oynayacağı yılan hikâyesine dönen filmde, önce Courtney Love’un ardından Rose Mcgowan’ın ismi geçti. Geçtiğimiz günlerde de isminde kesin karar verildi. Uzun süredir kamera karşısına geçmeyen ve moda tasarımcılığı yapan Lindsay Lohan, İnferno filminde efsanevi Deep Throat filminin başrol oyuncusu Linda Lovelace'i canlandıracak.2 aydır tedavi gören Lohan filmi ihlal ettiği için setten çıkarıldı yerine Malin Akerman alındı.

İlgili haberler[]

2006 yılının başlarında New York'un en şanslı kadını olan Ashley'i canlandırdığı "Just My Luck" vizyona girdi. Bu film,Lindsay'in ilk defa Disney firması dışında başka bir film şirketiyle anlaşılarak vizyona sokulan filmidir 2006 yılında,oynadığı filmlerden çok katıldığı partiler ve özel hayatı ile konuşuldu.2006 yılından itibaren aralarında bağımsız yapımların da bulunduğu pek çok proje için anlaştı.2007 yılında katıldığı partilerde alkol duvarını aşmış görüntüleriyle objektiflere takıldı.2007 Nisan ayında kokain kullanırken yakalandı, 2007 Mayıs ayında alkollü araba kullanmaktan gözaltına alındı ve yeni filmi "I Know Who Killed Me"de striptiz yaptığı sahnelerle konuşuldu.

Yaptığı alkollü sürüşlerden ve uyuşturucu skandallarından sonra rehabilitasyon merkezine gitmesi gerektiğne karar verildi. Fakat çıkış tarihi de önceden kararlaştırılınca herkes tarafından "reklam amaçlı" rehabilitasyona gitmekten suçlandı.Lindsay ise kendini 21. yaşına gireceği 2 Temmuz 2007'deki partisinin hazırlıklarını bahane göstererek savundu. Babası Michael Lohan,kızına tekrar rehabilitasyona gideceğinden dolayı destek çıktı.Fakat halk tarafından babasının küs olduğu kızıyla aniden barışmak istemesinin nedeni olarak Lindsay'in servetinden yararlanmak olduğu söylendi. Son olarak Haziran 2007'de rehabilitasyon merkezindeyken bolca uyuşturucu aldıktan sonra elinde bıçakla kendine zarar vermeye çalışırken çekilen fotoğrafları yayımlandı.2007 Mayıs'ında Hilary Duff'la barıştılar. Hatta gece eğlendikleri kulüpten beraber çıktıkları görüntülendi.Ayrıca Mary-Kate AShley Olsen ile dalga geçmiştir.ayrıca biseksüel olabileceğini belirtmiştir.2010 yılına damga vurucak filmin afişi ise geçtiğimiz gün yayımlandı. Böylece Lohan’ın bir fahişeyi canlandıracağı filmin ilk fotoğrafı çıkmış oldu.3 yıl önceki bir uyuşturucu davası nedeniyle göz hapsinde tutulan Lindsay Lohan yükümlülüklerini yerine getirmeyince özgürlüğünü kaybetti.90 gün hapis cezası alan ve rehabilitasyon programına katılma zorunluğu getirilen Lohan'ın 20 Temmuz günü tutuklanacağı açıklandı.Lohan'ın ayağına bu süre içinde bir alkol monitörü takılacak.Lohan'ın normalde bir ay olan cezası kurallara uymadığı için artırılırken oyuncunun hapiste sorun çıkarmaması durumunda 1 ay içinde serbest bırakılabileceği açıklanmıştır.

Müzik Kariyeri[]

2005 senesinde Herbie: Fully Loaded film hikâyeleri Altında Lindsay Lohan adlı filmle sinema kariyerine kaldığı yerden Devam eden Loaded, Filmin soundtrack' ine Speak albümünde yer alan tür adli parçasıyla katıldı.

2005 senesinin sonunda A Little More (Raw) adli 2 Personal. albümünü piyasaya Süren"Lindsay Lohan" 20 numara olabildi listelerinde albümle Amerika bir araya geldi. BİR önceki albümünde olduğu hazırsındır albümde de pop soundunu sürdüren Lohan, albümüyle müzik eleştirmenlerinden olumsuz Notlar topladı bir araya geldi. A Confessions Broken Heart Daughter Babadan Albümden çıkan uç Tek a bir video klip çeken sanatçı video klibiyle MTV 'nin TL programından ilgi görmeyi başardı araya geldi.

Hapis cezası[]

Lindsay Lohan, uyuşturucu alıp araba kullandığı için hakkında tutuklama kararı alınmıştı ve 90 gün hapis cezası almıştı. Fakat sonradan cezası 13 güne düşürülen Lohan geri kalan günlerini rehabilitasyon yaparak bitirmişti. Ancak kanında uyuşturucu tespit edilmesi nedeniyle tekrar hapis cezasına çarptırıldı.Hapse girmeden önce tam 300 bin dolar ödeyerek tekrar özgürlüğe kavuştu.


Yıl İsim
2004 Speak
2005 A Little More Personal (Raw)
2010 Spirit in the Dark


Yıl İsim Rol Çeviri
1998 The Parent Trap Hallie Parker/Annie James Komik tuzak
2000 Life-Size Casey Stuart Sihirli Bebek
2002 Get a Clue Lexy Gold İp Ucu Hazırla
2003 Freaky Friday Anna Coleman Çılgın Cuma
2004 Confessions of a Teenage Drama Queen Mary Elizabeth "Lola" Cep Bir Drama Kraliçesinin İtirafları
Mean Girls Cady Heron Kötü Kızlar
2005 Herbie: Fully Loaded Maggie Peyton Herbie: Tam Gaz
2006 Just My Luck Ashley Albright Şansa Bak
A Prairie Home Companion Lola Johnson Kır Evi Arkadaşı
Bobby Diane Howser Polis
The Holiday Aktorea trailerrean Tatil
2007 Chapter 27 Jude Hanson Bölüm 27
Georgia Rule Rachel Wilcox Büyükanne Yasası
I Know Who Killed Me Aubrey Flemming/Dakota Moss Katilimi Tanıyorum
2009 Labor Pains Thea Clayhill Doğum Sancısı
2010 Machete April Benz Ustura
Black Friday Diane Siyah Cuma
2011 One Night with You Nikki Seninle Bir Gece
The Dry Gulch Kid Lieutenant Teğmen

Dış bağlantılar[]

Şablon:Commons kategori

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Şablon:MTV Film Ödülleri En İyi Çıkış Yapan Sanatçı Şablon:Lindsay Lohan

Lindsay Dee Lohan (/ˈloʊhæn/; born July 2, 1986) is an American actress, singer, songwriter, and entrepreneur. Born and raised in New York, Lohan was signed to Ford Models as a child. Having appeared as a regular on the television soap opera Another World at age 10, her breakthrough came in the Walt Disney Pictures film The Parent Trap (1998). The film's success led to appearances in the television films Life-Size (2000) and Get a Clue (2002), and the big-screen productions Freaky Friday (2003) and Confessions of a Teenage Drama Queen (2004).

Lohan's early work won her childhood stardom, while the sleeper hit Mean Girls (2004) affirmed her status as a teen idol. After starring in Herbie: Fully Loaded (2005), Lohan quickly became the subject of intense media coverage due to a series of personal struggles and legal troubles, as well as a number of stints in rehabilitation facilities due to substance abuse. This period saw her lose several roles and had significantly impacted her career and public image negatively. Thereafter, she appeared in films, including A Prairie Home Companion (2006), Just My Luck (2006), Bobby (2006), and Chapter 27 (2007). In the 2010s, she appeared in few films, among the most notable being Machete (2010), Liz & Dick (2012), and The Canyons (2013). Lohan then appeared on various television shows, including the docu-series Lindsay (2014), the British series Sick Note (2018), the MTV reality show Lindsay Lohan's Beach Club (2019), and the singing competition show The Masked Singer Australia (2019-present). She also made her stage debut in the London West End production of Speed-the-Plow (2014–2015).

Lohan rose to prominence in the music industry under Casablanca Records, releasing two studio albums, the platinum-certified Speak (2004) and gold-certified A Little More Personal (Raw) (2005). Lohan dabbled in fashion, beginning a line of her own titled 6126 and briefly serving as artistic advisor for Emmanuel Ungaro in 2009. Since 2016, she has opened numerous nightclubs and resorts in Greece.


1Early life


2.11989–99: Career beginnings

2.22000–03: Success with Disney films

2.32004–06: Status as teen idol and music releases

2.42006–08: Interruptions and mature film roles

2.52008–11: Continued delays

2.62012–17: Television work and stage debut

2.72018–present: Return to music and television

3Other ventures

3.1Fashion and modeling


4Personal life



7See also


8.1Cited works

9External links

Early life

Lindsay Lohan was born on July 2, 1986, in the Bronx borough of New York City, and grew up in Merrick and Cold Spring Harbor on Long Island, New York. She is the eldest child of Dina, and Michael Lohan. Her father, a former Wall Street trader, has been in trouble with the law on several occasions, while her mother is a former singer and dancer. Lohan has three younger siblings, all of whom have been models or actors: Michael Jr., who appeared with Lohan in The Parent Trap, Aliana, known as "Ali," and Dakota "Cody" Lohan. Lohan is of Irish and Italian heritage, and she was raised as a Catholic.[dead link] Her maternal antecedents were "well known Irish Catholic stalwarts" and her great-grandfather, John L. Sullivan, was a co-founder of the Pro-life Party on Long Island. She began home-schooling in grade 11.[dead link] Lohan is a natural redhead.

Lohan's parents married in 1985, separated when Lindsay was three, and later reunited. They separated again in 2005 and finalized their divorce in 2007.


1989–99: Career beginnings

Lohan began her career as a child model with Ford Models at the age of three. She modeled for Calvin Klein Kids and Abercrombie, and appeared in over 60 television commercials for brands like Pizza Hut and Wendy's, as well as a Jell-O spot with Bill Cosby. By the age of 10, when Lohan played Alexandra "Alli" Fowler in the television soap opera Another World, Soap Opera Magazine said she was already considered a show-business veteran.

Lohan remained in her role on Another World for a year, before leaving to star in Disney's 1998 family comedy The Parent Trap, a remake of the 1961 movie. She played dual roles of twins, separated in infancy, who try to reunite their long-divorced parents, played by Dennis Quaid and Natasha Richardson. The film earned $92 million worldwide, and received largely positive reviews. Lohan received unanimous acclaim for her debut performance. Critic Kenneth Turan called Lohan "the soul of this film as much as Hayley Mills was of the original," going on to say that "she is more adept than her predecessor at creating two distinct personalities." The film won Lohan a Young Artist Award for best performance in a feature film as well as a three-film contract with Disney. At the age of 14, Lohan played Bette Midler's daughter in the pilot episode of the short-lived series Bette, but she resigned her role when the production moved from New York to Los Angeles.

2000–03: Success with Disney films

Lohan in 2002

Lohan starred in two made-for-TV movies: Life-Size alongside Tyra Banks in 2000, and Get a Clue in 2002. In 2003, Lohan starred alongside Jamie Lee Curtis in the 2003 remake of Disney's family comedy Freaky Friday, playing a mother and daughter who switch bodies and have to take on each other's roles. At Lohan's initiative, her character was rewritten and changed from a Goth style to be more mainstream. Her performance was once again met with significant praise. Critic Roger Ebert wrote that Lohan "has that Jodie Foster sort of seriousness and intent focus beneath her teenage persona." Freaky Friday earned Lohan the award for Breakthrough Performance at the 2004 MTV Movie Awards and, as of 2015, it remained her most commercially successful film, earning $160 million worldwide as well as an 87 percent approval rating on Rotten Tomatoes.

Emilio Estefan and his wife, Gloria Estefan, signed Lohan to a five-album production deal in September 2002. Lohan landed the role as the daughter in Disney's remake, Freaky Friday, also that month, which required her to learn how to play the guitar and to sing. Lohan recorded a song for the film, "Ultimate," which was released to Radio Disney to help promote the film. The song peaked at number 18 on Radio Disney's Top 30. Lohan announced that the song was separate from her singing career since many teen idols such as Hilary Duff and Raven-Symoné were expanding their careers from acting to singing. In 2003, Lohan recorded four songs that were released for the soundtrack to Lohan's film, Confessions of a Teenage Drama Queen, including a Radio Disney hit, "Drama Queen (That Girl)."

She had begun working with Diane Warren and Randy Jackson, who were going to help write and produce her album. Diane Warren wrote the song "I Decide" for Lohan, which was originally going to be on her album. When Lohan decided not to collaborate with Warren and Jackson, "I Decide" was instead released on the soundtrack to the film The Princess Diaries 2: Royal Engagement and on to Radio Disney.

2004–06: Status as teen idol and music releases

Lohan began writing the tracks on her album in April 2004. "I write a lot of lyrics and I'm involved in the producing process, because it's like, if I'm singing it, I want it to be something that I can relate to," Lohan said. "I'm just trying to feel it out and see where it goes. I'm playing guitar and I also love to dance, so [the music will be] somewhere along the lines of hip-hop and rock."

Lohan's debut album, Speak, was released in the United States on December 7, 2004. The album was the first high-seller from Casablanca Records in several years, selling 1,000,000 units in the United States. The album received mostly negative reviews, with critics commenting that Lohan "isn't a bad singer, but not an extraordinary singer either." In the United States, the album peaked at number four on the Billboard 200, selling 261,762 copies in its first week. In Germany the album debuted at number 53 and took four weeks to complete its chart run. The first two singles from Speak, "Rumors" and "Over," were both successes, with "Over" topping the Bubbling Under Hot 100 Singles, where it stayed for three weeks. The song also did well internationally in countries such as Australia, Ireland, and the United Kingdom. "Rumors" peaked at number six on the Bubbling Under Hot 100 chart and also did well in Australia and Germany, where it reached number 14. The music video for "Rumors" was nominated for Best Pop Video at the 2005 MTV Video Music Awards. Both songs received heavy airplay on MTV's Total Request Live. The final single, "First," was released to help promote Lohan's film, Herbie: Fully Loaded. The song earned small success in Australia and Germany. Lohan promoted the album by performing the songs in a number of live appearances. A tour of Taiwan was planned, but later scrapped.

Lohan attending a fashion show in 2006

In 2004, Lohan had lead roles in two major motion pictures. The first film, Disney's teen comedy Confessions of a Teenage Drama Queen, earned a domestic box office total of $29 million, with Brandon Gray of Box Office Mojo commenting that it was "well above expectations as it was strictly for young girls." But the film was not met with critical acclaim. Robert K. Elder of the Chicago Tribune wrote that "though still a promising star, Lohan will have to do a little penance before she's forgiven for Confessions." Her second lead role that year, in the teen comedy Mean Girls, marked Lohan's first movie independent of Disney. The film was a critical and commercial success, grossing $129 million worldwide and, according to Brandon Gray, "cementing her status as the new teen movie queen." Mick LaSalle from the San Francisco Chronicle wrote that "Lohan is sensitive and appealing, a solid locus for audience sympathy." David Rooney from Variety said that "Lohan displays plenty of charm, verve and deft comic timing." Lohan received four awards at the 2004 Teen Choice Awards for Freaky Friday and Mean Girls, including Breakout Movie Star. Mean Girls also earned her two awards at the 2005 MTV Movie Awards.

With Mean Girls, Lohan's public profile was raised significantly. Vanity Fair described how she became a household name. Paparazzi began following her and her love life and partying became frequent targets of gossip sites and the tabloid media. Following the film, which was scripted by former "Not Ready for Prime Time Actress" Tina Fey and featured several other veterans of Saturday Night Live's "Not Ready for Prime Time Company," Lohan hosted the show three times between 2004 and 2006. In 2004, when Lohan was 17, she became the youngest host of the MTV Movie Awards and in 2006 she hosted the 2006 World Music Awards.

Lohan returned to Disney in 2005, starring in the comedy Herbie: Fully Loaded, the fifth film in the series with the anthropomorphic car Herbie. Fully Loaded earned $144 million worldwide, but it received mixed reviews. Stephen Holden of The New York Times called Lohan "a genuine star who ... seems completely at home on the screen," while James Berardinelli wrote that "as bright a starlet as she may be, Lohan ends up playing second fiddle to the car." In 2005, Lohan became the first person to have a My Scene celebrity doll released by Mattel. She also voiced herself in the animated direct-to-DVD film My Scene Goes Hollywood: The Movie, based on the series of dolls.

Lohan's second album, A Little More Personal (Raw), was released in December 2005. It peaked at number 20 on the Billboard 200 chart, and was eventually certified Gold. Lohan co-wrote most of the songs on the album, which received a mixed critical response. Slant Magazine called it "contrived ... for all the so-called weighty subject matter, there's not much meat on these bones." Lohan herself directed the music video for the album's only single, "Confessions of a Broken Heart (Daughter to Father)," which features her sister Aliana Lohan. The video is a dramatization of the pain Lohan said her family suffered at the hands of her father. It was her first song to chart on the Billboard Hot 100, peaking at number 57.

2006–08: Interruptions and mature film roles

Lohan's next widely released film, the romantic comedy Just My Luck, opened in May 2006 and, according to Variety, earned her over $7 million. The opening weekend box office takings of $5.7 million "broke lead actress Lindsay Lohan's winning streak" according to Brandon Gray. The film received poor reviews and earned Lohan her first Golden Raspberry nomination for Worst Actress. Following Just My Luck, Lohan focused on smaller roles in more mature, independent movies. Robert Altman's ensemble comedy A Prairie Home Companion, based on humorist Garrison Keillor's works, in which Lohan co-stars with Meryl Streep and Lily Tomlin, had a limited release in June 2006. Peter Travers wrote for Rolling Stone that "Lohan rises to the occasion, delivering a rock-the-house version of 'Frankie and Johnny.'" Co-star Streep said of Lohan's acting: "She's in command of the art form" and "completely, visibly living in front of the camera." The Emilio Estevez ensemble drama Bobby, about the hours leading up to the Robert F. Kennedy assassination, was released in theaters in November 2006. Lohan received favorable comments for her performance, particularly a scene alongside Sharon Stone. As part of the Bobby ensemble cast, Lohan was nominated for a Screen Actors Guild Award.

Lohan at the New York City premiere of Georgia Rule in May 2007

Lohan's next appearance was in Chapter 27 as a John Lennon fan who befriends Mark David Chapman, played by Jared Leto, on the day he murders Lennon. Filming finished in early 2006, but the film was not released until March 2008 due to difficulties in finding a distributor. In May 2007, the drama Georgia Rule was released. In the film, Lohan portrays an out-of-control teenager whose mother (Felicity Huffman) brings her to the house of her own estranged mother (Jane Fonda). Owen Gleiberman of Entertainment Weekly wrote that "Lohan hits a true note of spiteful princess narcissism." During filming in 2006, Lohan was hospitalized, her representative saying "she was overheated and dehydrated." In a letter that was made public, studio executive James G. Robinson called Lohan "irresponsible and unprofessional." He mentioned "various late arrivals and absences from the set" and said that "we are well aware that your ongoing all night heavy partying is the real reason for your so-called 'exhaustion.'" In 2007, Lohan was cast in the film Poor Things, which she ultimately lost. In early January 2007, production on the film I Know Who Killed Me was put on hold when Lohan underwent appendix surgery. While Lohan was in rehab, she continued shooting the film, returning to the facility at night. Shortly thereafter, Lohan withdrew from a film adaptation of Oscar Wilde's A Woman of No Importance, her publicist stating that Lohan needed to "focus on getting better." Lohan was replaced in The Edge of Love in April 2007, shortly before filming was to begin, with the director citing "insurance reasons" and Lohan later explaining that she "was going through a really bad time then."

In the wake of her second DUI arrest[clarification needed], Lohan withdrew from a scheduled appearance on The Tonight Show with Jay Leno in which she had been due to promote I Know Who Killed Me, a psychological horror-thriller in which she stars as a stripper with a dual personality. The film premiered in July 2007 to what Entertainment Weekly called "an abysmal $3.5 million." It earned Lohan dual Golden Raspberry awards for Worst Actress, with Lohan coming first and second, tying with herself. Hollywood executives and industry insiders commented that it would be difficult for Lohan to find employment until she could prove that she was sober and reliable, citing possible issues with securing insurance.

2008–11: Continued delays

In May 2008, Lohan made her first screen appearance since I Know Who Killed Me, on ABC's television series Ugly Betty. She guest starred in four episodes as Kimmie Keegan, an old schoolmate of the protagonist Betty Suarez. In the comedy Labor Pains, Lohan plays a woman who pretends to be pregnant. During the shoot, Lohan's manager worked with the paparazzi to encourage the media to show her work, as opposed to partying. It was originally planned for a theatrical release, but instead appeared as a TV movie on the ABC Family cable channel in July 2009, "a setback for the star" according to Variety. The premiere received 2.1 million viewers, "better-than-average" for the channel according to E! Online. Alessandra Stanley of The New York Times wrote that "this is not a triumphant return of a prodigal child star. ... [Labor Pains] never shakes free of the heavy baggage Ms. Lohan brings to the role." Lohan was a guest judge on US TV style contest Project Runway sixth-season premiere episode, which aired in August 2009.

Lohan narrated and presented the British television documentary Lindsay Lohan's Indian Journey, about human trafficking in India. It was filmed during a week in India in December 2009, and transmitted on BBC Three in April 2010. The BBC was criticized for having hired Lohan, and while reviewers called the documentary compelling, they also found Lohan's presence to be odd and distracting. Lohan said: "I hope my presence in India will bring awareness to the really important issues raised in making this film." In April 2010, Lohan was let go from the film The Other Side where she had been set to star, with the director saying she was "not bankable."

Lohan (center) at the Cynthia Rowley fashion show in 2011

Following a switch to Universal Motown, Lohan began working on a third album, tentatively titled Spirit in the Dark, in late 2007. In May 2008, the single "Bossy" was released onto digital outlets, and reached number one on the US Billboard Hot Dance Club Play chart. The song was meant to serve as the lead single from the album. Later that year, Lohan said that work on the album had stalled and that she wanted to avoid the stress of working on movies and music at the same time.

In June 2010, Lohan was the subject of a fashion shoot in the photographer docu-series Double Exposure on Bravo. Robert Rodriguez's action exploitation film Machete opened in September 2010. In the film, Lohan's character takes drugs, is naked in much of her appearance, and later dons a nun's habit while toting a machine gun. Its critical reviews were mixed. The Washington Post described her character as "a campier, trampier version of herself – or at least her tabloid image." said she was "terrible" while Variety called it "her best work in some time." Because of her rehabilitation and legal engagements, Lohan did not participate in promotion of the movie. Lohan filmed a sketch where she is dressed as Marilyn Monroe for Inappropriate Comedy in 2010. The film had issues finding a distributor and was not released until 2013, when it was met with poor box office and critical reception. Lohan appeared on the October 2010 cover of Vanity Fair. She told the magazine: "I want my career back" and "I know that I'm a damn good actress."

2012–17: Television work and stage debut

Lohan at's album release party in 2012

Lohan had not appeared on Saturday Night Live since 2006, when she hosted the show for the fourth time in March 2012. Her appearance received mixed to negative reviews. Critics appreciated the self-deprecating references to her personal troubles, but also commented that she largely played a supporting role. The episode had the second highest ratings of the season with 7.4 million viewers. In May 2012, Lohan appeared briefly, as a celebrity judge, on the television series Glee, in the episode "Nationals." Lohan stars as a surfer in the art film First Point by artist Richard Phillips. It debuted at Art Basel in June 2012 and features a score by Thomas Bangalter from Daft Punk. Comments from critics on Lohan's work were mixed.

Lohan starred as Elizabeth Taylor in the biographical made-for-TV movie Liz & Dick, which premiered on the Lifetime cable channel in November 2012. Reviews of Lohan's performance were largely, but not unanimously, negative. The Hollywood Reporter said she was "woeful" while Variety called her "adequate." Entertainment Weekly described the premiere ratings of 3.5 millions as "a little soft." During the production, paramedics were called to Lohan's hotel room, treating her for exhaustion and dehydration. In April 2013, the horror comedy Scary Movie 5 was released, where Lohan appears as herself alongside Charlie Sheen in the opening sketch. While the movie itself was panned by critics, a few reviewers found Lohan's and Sheen's to be one of the better scenes. Lohan also guest-starred as herself in an April 2013 episode of Sheen's comedy series Anger Management.

In August 2013, just days after Lohan left rehab[clarification needed], The Canyons was released, an independent erotic thriller directed by Paul Schrader and written by Bret Easton Ellis. It was made on a low budget, most of which was gathered through online fund raiser Kickstarter. Lohan received $100 a day and a share of the profits, and she was also credited as a co-producer. The New York Times Magazine described Lohan as difficult to work with, and the shoot as fraught with conflict between Lohan and Schrader. Lohan and her co-star, adult-film actor James Deen, portray an actress and a producer in a volatile relationship. Reviews for the film were generally poor, but several critics praised Lohan's performance. The New Yorker said she was "overwrought and unfocused" while Variety called her "very affecting" and Salon described her as "almost incandescent." The same month Lohan filled in for Chelsea Handler as host of the cable talk show Chelsea Lately. She received mostly positive reviews for her appearance and the show garnered its best ratings of the year.

Lohan at the 6th Asian Awards in 2016.

The 8-part docu-series Lindsay was transmitted in March and April 2014 on Oprah Winfrey's OWN cable network. The series followed Lohan's life and work as she moved to New York City after leaving rehab. In the final episode, Lohan said that she had had a miscarriage which had interrupted filming of the series. The premiere had 693,000 viewers, described as "so-so" by The Hollywood Reporter. The ratings then slipped and the finale only had 406,000 viewers. New York Daily News called the series "surprisingly routine," Variety described it as boring, while Liz Smith said it was "compelling" and "usually painful to watch." In December 2013, Lohan introduced Miley Cyrus before her set at Dick Clark's New Year's Rockin' Eve. In April 2014, Lohan guest-starred in an episode of the CBS sitcom 2 Broke Girls. Around this time, Lohan had also announced and began promoting a film she was set to star in titled Inconceivable, which was never produced for unknown reasons.

Lohan made her stage debut in October 2014, starring in the London West End production of David Mamet's Speed-the-Plow, a satire about the movie business. She portrayed Karen, the secretary of a Hollywood executive, in a role originally played by Madonna. Reviews of Lohan's performance were mixed, with the Associated Press describing critical reception overall as "lukewarm." The Stage said she was "out of her league" while The Times wrote that she "can act a bit" and The Guardian said she "holds the stage with ease."

In 2015, the English band Duran Duran announced that Lohan was featured on the song "Danceophobia" from their fourteenth studio album, Paper Gods.[citation needed]

2018–present: Return to music and television

Lohan presenting Marshmello the award for Best Electronic at the 2018 MTV Europe Music Awards

In June 2015, Lohan filmed the supernatural thriller, Among the Shadows. The film saw a series of delays with its release and was eventually listed for sale at the European Film Market at the Berlin International Film Festival in February 2018. It was released on March 5, 2019, by Momentum Pictures. In October 2016, Lohan opened her first nightclub, in collaboration with her ex-business partner Dennis Papageorgiou, named "Lohan Nightclub," in Athens, Greece.

In July 2018, the second season of Sick Note —in which Lohan has a recurring role— premiered on Sky One. In May 2018, she opened a resort on the Greek island Mykonos called "Lohan Beach House Mykonos" and later her second resort in Ialisos Beach, Rhodes, called "Lohan Beach House Rhodes." In July 2018, People magazine revealed that Lohan had signed on to star in an MTV reality series, Lindsay Lohan's Beach Club focusing on the Mykonos Beach House and her career and business ventures. The series premiered on January 8, 2019 on MTV. The show was canceled after one season. As of June 2019, the beach club is no longer open in Mykonos.

In July 2019, it was announced that Lohan will be one of the panelists on the Australian edition of Masked Singer. It was announced on October 10 that Lohan will return for season two of The Masked Singer. On 7 July 2020, it was revealed that Lohan would be unable to return to the judging panel in the second season, as she could not travel from Dubai to Melbourne because of the COVID-19 pandemic and the implementation of travel restrictions. She was replaced for season 2 by new panelist, comedian Urzila Carlson.

Lohan during a confessional scene in Beach Club in 2019

In June 2019, Page Six reported that Lohan had re-signed with Casablanca Records to record and release her third studio album, along with "a couple of soundtracks." In July, Lohan confirmed signing a joint deal with Casablanca and Republic Records. In August 2019, a snippet of a song titled "Xanax" was premiered by radio host Kris Fade on Virgin Radio Dubai. Lohan then teased her song again in late-December, announcing in January that her first album in 15 years would be released at the end of February.

On April 1, 2020, Lohan announced her album's lead single, "Back to Me." The song was released on April 3 and received positive reviews from critics.[citation needed]

Lohan has announced several upcoming films including one titled Frame, which she is set to star in, as well an untitled film based on the book Honeymoon, which Lohan is writing the script for. During her appearance on CNN's 2019 New Year's Eve special, Lohan announced she would be coming back to the United States for a Hollywood comeback. Lohan also announced that she is managing her younger sister Ali's music career.

Other ventures

Fashion and modeling

Lohan attending a Calvin Klein Spring Show afterparty in 2007

Lohan has been the face of Jill Stuart, Miu Miu, and, as well as the 2008 Visa Swap British fashion campaign. She was also the face of Italian clothing company Fornarina for its Spring–Summer 2009 campaign. Lohan has a long-lasting fascination with Marilyn Monroe going back to when she saw Niagara during The Parent Trap shoot. In the 2008 Spring Fashion edition of New York magazine, Lohan re-created Monroe's final photo shoot, known as The Last Sitting, including nudity, saying that the photo shoot was "an honor." The New York Times critic Ginia Bellafante found it disturbing, saying "the pictures ask viewers to engage in a kind of mock necrophilia. ... [and] the photographs bear none of Monroe's fragility."

In 2008, Lohan launched a clothes line, whose name 6126 was designed to represent Monroe's birth date (June 1, 1926). The line started with leggings, before expanding to a full collection, covering 280 pieces as of April 2010. In January 2009, Lohan appeared as a guest judge on Project Runway. In September 2009, Lohan became an artistic adviser for the French fashion house Emanuel Ungaro. A collection by designer Estrella Archs with Lohan as adviser was presented in October, receiving a "disastrous" reception, according to Entertainment Weekly and New York. Lohan left the company in March 2010. Lohan appeared in the January–February 2012 issue of Playboy magazine, in a shoot inspired by a nude pictorial of Marilyn Monroe from the first issue of the magazine. Editor Hugh Hefner said Lohan's issue was "breaking sales records."

In early 2018, Lohan announced plans on developing a makeup brand separate from her fashion brand and stated that it was still in its early stages of development.


In December 2014, the free-to-play video game app Lindsay Lohan's The Price of Fame was released for the iOS and Android operating systems. Polygon said it was "funny, trashy and surprisingly self-aware" while Vulture called it "a crappy knockoff of Kim Kardashian: Hollywood."

In June 2017, Lohan announced she was starting a lifestyle site called Preemium, which subscribers could access for $2.99 a month.

Personal life

Main article: Personal life of Lindsay Lohan

Lohan began dating actor Wilmer Valderrama in 2004, Hard Rock Cafe heir Harry Morton in 2006, and DJ Samantha Ronson in 2008 and 2009. In April 2009, following her breakup with Ronson, Lohan appeared in a dating video spoof on the comedy website Funny or Die. It was viewed 2.7 million times in the first week and received favorable comments from the media. In 2016, her fiancé was London-based Russian millionaire Egor Tarabasov, owner of the real estate agency Home House Estates and son of Dmitry Tarabasov. They reportedly split up in mid-2017, with Lohan accusing Egor of abuse and him accusing her of stealing £24,000 worth of his belongings.

Lohan spoke about her turbulent childhood in 2007, the same year her parents finalized their divorce: "I feel like a second parent in the sense that I helped raise my family ... I was put between my mother and father a lot." Despite the conflicts, Lohan spoke very fondly of her family. However, in 2007, 2008, and 2009 she admitted that she had cut off contact with her father, describing his behavior as unpredictable and hard to deal with.


Main article: Lindsay Lohan discography

Speak (2004)

A Little More Personal (Raw) (2005)


Main article: Lindsay Lohan filmography

After beginning her acting career as a child actor in the early 1990s, Lohan, at age 11, made her film debut in Disney's successful remake of The Parent Trap (1998). Freaky Friday (2003) remains her highest-grossing film, while Mean Girls (2004), both a critical and commercial success, became a cult classic. Her career faced many interruptions from legal and personal troubles during the late 2000s and early 2010s, but she has still appeared in 26 films (including 6 as a personality), 12 television appearances, 1 play and 5 music videos. Her films include:

The Parent Trap (1998)

Life-Size (2000)

Get a Clue (2002)

Freaky Friday (2003)

Confessions of a Teenage Drama Queen (2004)

Mean Girls (2004)

Herbie: Fully Loaded (2005)

A Prairie Home Companion (2006)

Just My Luck (2006)

Bobby (2006)

Chapter 27 (2007)

Georgia Rule (2007)

I Know Who Killed Me (2007)

Labor Pains (2009)

Machete (2010)

Lindsay Lohan's Indian Journey (2010)

Liz & Dick (2012)

Inappropriate Comedy (2013)

The Canyons (2013)

Among the Shadows (2019)

See also

List of awards and nominations received by Lindsay Lohan

List of artists who reached number one on the U.S. Dance Club Songs chart


^ Jump up to:a b

^ Stephen Thomas Erlewine. Speak at AllMusic. Retrieved April 3, 2019.

^ Stephen Thomas Erlewine. A Little More Personal (Raw) at AllMusic. Retrieved April 3, 2019.

^ Jump up to:a b






^ Jump up to:a b



^ Jump up to:a b c d




^ Peretz 2006. "Dina and Michael separated when Lindsay was just three ... But, like many young people in love, Dina took her husband back for a period."


^ Jump up to:a b

^ Jump up to:a b c d e f g

^ Jump up to:a b c d e







^ Peretz 2006. "As the script was written, the character was Goth, Lohan recalls: 'No one could relate to the character when she was really Goth. There was nothing there.' She took it upon herself to change it – before the audition. 'I dressed really preppy,' she says. 'I wore a collared turquoise Abercrombie & Fitch shirt and khaki pants, swear to God, with a white headband. And my hair was really straight and pretty and red and blond. My agent calls and was like, "What are you doing?!"' The studio ended up re-writing the character entirely.'"











^ Jump up to:a b









^ Binelli 2004. "All of which resulted in Lohan becoming a favorite object of scrutiny for the paparazzi and the online pervert community alike"

^ Jump up to:a b c











^ Jump up to:a b

^ Jump up to:a b













^ Halbfinger 2007. "Another finished film starring Ms. Lohan and Jared Leto, 'Chapter 27,' ... won critical support at the Sundance Film Festival but has not found a distributor."












^ Finn 2007. "Production had already been halted at the beginning of January, when Lohan took a timeout for an appendectomy. She received the go-ahead from her doctor to go back to work early last week."


^ Finn 2007. "Per her rep, Lohan has been free to work and carry on with her life during the day and head back to Wonderland at night. She returned to the set of the upcoming thriller I Know Who Killed Me Jan. 26, nine days after starting treatment. 'She's on set today,' Zelnik added."


^ Finn 2007. "Planning to take it easy for a while once she completes rehab for what ails her, Lindsay Lohan has opted to drop out of one of her upcoming film projects, the big-screen adaptation of the Oscar Wilde play A Woman of No Importance. 'She's doing great,' Lohan's publicist, Leslie Sloane Zelnik, told E! Online senior editor Marc Malkin, adding that she needs to focus on her treatment for now."




^ Halbfinger 2007.








^ Kaylin 2008. "But Muro [Lohan's manager] is also strategic – for instance, welcoming paparazzi shots of Lohan on the set, working (as opposed to tumbling out of a club). As such, whenever Lohan is called to the set, she dutifully does the pap walk – texting feverishly behind a curtain of hair, while grungy lensmen scamper alongside."

























^ Jump up to:a b














^ Jump up to:a b c





















































^ Jump up to:a b

^ Jump up to:a b


^ Jump up to:a b














^ Jump up to:a b












^ Bachrach 2007

^ Apodaca 2008. "'I'm a family girl. I love my family. I love them to death. They're amazing, and that's something you can't take for granted.'"

^ Binelli 2004. "... the best dad. He's the most loving, kind person you could ever meet."

^ Bachrach 2007. "... gossip items starring her father. 'I don't speak to him,' she tells me."

^ Kaylin 2008. "she's shutting down communication with Dad for a bit – 'until he decides to be a grown-up.' Family turmoil's been a constant for a while now. 'It was always up and down,' Lohan says of her teen years – 'very unpredictable. It was just of just like whether he was gonna be there, what he would be like; we didn't know what to expect from him, which was difficult.'"





Cited works

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External links

Lindsay Lohanat Wikipedia's sister projects

Media from Wikimedia Commons

Quotations from Wikiquote

Data from Wikidata

Official website

Lindsay Lohan at IMDb

Media offices

Preceded by

Seann William Scott and Justin Timberlake

MTV Movie Awards host


Succeeded by

Jimmy Fallon

Preceded by

James Denton and Carmen Electra

World Music Awards host


Succeeded by

Roger Moore





Lindsay Lohan

Personal life



Awards and nominations

Studio albums


A Little More Personal (Raw)

Soundtrack albums

Freaky Friday

Confessions of a Teenage Drama Queen

A Prairie Home Companion





"Confessions of a Broken Heart (Daughter to Father)"


"Back to Me"



Lindsay Lohan's Indian Journey

Lindsay Lohan's Beach Club

The Masked Singer Australia

Related topics

6126 Collection


Michael Lohan (father)

Dina Lohan (mother)

Aliana Lohan (sister)


Awards for Lindsay Lohan





Aliana Lohan

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Lindsay Lohan

1986 births

Living people

20th-century American actresses

21st-century American actresses

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Actresses from New York (state)

Actresses of Italian descent

American child actresses

American child singers

American documentary filmmakers

American expatriate actresses in the United Kingdom

American female pop singers

American film actresses

American people convicted of theft

American people of Irish descent

American people of Italian descent

American soap opera actresses

American television actresses

Child pop musicians

Lohan family

Motown artists

People from Cold Spring Harbor, New York

People from Merrick, New York

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Universal Records artists

21st-century American women singers

American prisoners and detainees

Women documentary filmmakers

Cold Spring Harbor Jr./Sr. High School alumni
