Yenişehir Wiki

Londra (Şablon:Lang-en; telaffuz: ˈlʌndən , Şablon:Lang-la), İngiltere'nin başkenti. 0 derece meridyeninin geçtiği Greenwich Londra yakınlarındadır.

Londra dünyanın en önemli iş ve finans merkezlerinden biridir. Yaklaşık 8 milyonluk nüfusuyla AB'nin 2. kalabalık kentidir. Bağlı yerleşim birimleri ile birlikte (Greater London) nüfusu 12-15 milyondur. Km²'ye 4.573 kişi düşmektedir. Avrupa'da en fazla beyaz ırk harici insanın yaşadığı şehirdir. 300'den fazla farklı dil konuşulmaktadır.

Uluslararası turizmin kesişme noktasıdır. Dünyanın en kalabalık hava trafiği Londra hava trafiğidir. 5 uluslararası havaalanı bulunmaktadır. Bunların en büyüğü Heathrow'dur. Heathrow dünyanın en fazla uluslararası yolcu taşıyan havaalanıdır [1].

En önemli turistik mekanları, Parlamento Binası,Tower Bridge, Tower of London (Londra Kulesi), Buckingham Sarayı, Trafalgar Meydanı ve Londra gözü (İngilizce: London eye)'dür (Londra Dönmedolabı). Londra Büyük Şehri, Londra Şehri (City of London) , Westminister Şehri ve 31 metropoliten-Londra-bölgesinden oluşur.

Yeşili bol olan bir şehirdir. Londra'da 143 adet kayıtlı park ve bahçe vardır. Thames Nehri şehri ikiye böler.


Londra yaklaşık 2 bin yıl önce Romalılar tarafından kurulmuştur. M.Ö. 43 yılında Roma İmparatorluğu'nun Britanya'yı işgali sonrasında Londonium ismi ile kurulmuştur. İsmin kökeni ile ilgili kesin bilgiler olmamakla beraber, anlamının "akan nehir" olabileceği düşünülmektedir. Londra dünyanın dünyanın eski kentlerinden birisidir. Turizm bakımından ise tarihi eserler büyük müzelerde sergilenmektedir. Kültürleri gerçekten bin yıl önceden dünyaya yayılmaya başlamıştır. Londra'ya dünyanın her tarafından gelenler vardır. Bu da Londra' nın tarihi bir şehir olmasının sonucudur.

Londra Metrosu[]


Underground(Yeraltı) Londra Metrosuna verilen addır. Aynı zamanda istasyon levhalarında da bu logo kullanılır.

Londra metrosu, dünyanın en eski metrosudur. 1863 yılında Metropolitan Railway ismiyle açılmıştır. Londra metrosunun yapılma amacı o zamanlar at arabalarından oluşan trafiğin yoğunluğunu azaltma amacıydı. Yapılan ilk hatlarda da bilinen en gelişmiş teknoloji olarak buharlı trenler kullanılmıştır. Şehrin belli yerlerinde hala kömür dumanını atma amacıyla açılan havalandırmalar mevcuttur.

Dosya:London Underground full map.svg

Londra Metrosuna

Burası açıldıktan sonra İstanbul'da Tünel, Madrid ve New York'ta da benzer metrolar yapıldı. Londra metrosuna Underground(yeraltı) denilmektedir. İstasyon levhalarında ki şekil nedeniyle de Londra metrosuna argoda Tube denilmektedir. Toplamda 274 istasyon bulunmaktadır. Metroda sigara içmek önceleri serbestti ama şuan çıkan yasadan dolayı kesinlikle yasaktır.

Etnik Yapı[]

Londra, etnik olarak dünyanın en mültikültürel şehirlerinden biri. Londra'da yaklaşık 300 farklı dil konuşulmaktadır.[2]

Şablon:Image label begin Şablon:Image label Şablon:Image label Şablon:Image label Şablon:Image label Şablon:Image label Şablon:Image label Şablon:Image label Şablon:Image label Şablon:Image label Şablon:Image label Şablon:Image label Şablon:Image label Şablon:Image label Şablon:Image label Şablon:Image label Şablon:Image label Şablon:Image label Şablon:Image label Şablon:Image label end Londra'daki azınlıkların en büyük yoğunlukta bulunduğu mahalleler.
Kaynak: The Guardian[3]

Millet Nüfus (2001)
Dosya:Flag of İngiltere.svg İngiltere 5,230,155
Dosya:Flag of Hindistan.svg Hindistan 332,162
Dosya:Flag of İrlanda.svg İrlanda 157,285
Dosya:Flag of Pakistan.svg Pakistan 120,900
Dosya:Flag of Bangladeş.svg Bangladeş 84,565
Dosya:Flag of Jamaika.svg Jamaika 80,319
Dosya:Flag of Nijerya.svg Nijerya 68,907
Dosya:Flag of Kenya.svg Kenya 66,311
Dosya:Flag of Sri Lanka.svg Sri Lanka 49,932
Dosya:Flag of Gana.svg Gana 46,513
Dosya:Flag of Kıbrıs.svgKıbrıs 45,888
Dosya:Flag of Güney Afrika.svg Güney Afrika 45,506
Dosya:Flag of ABD.svg Amerika Birleşik Devletleri 44,622
Dosya:Flag of Avustralya.svg Avustralya 41,488
Dosya:Flag of Almanya.svg Almanya 39,818
Türkiye Cumhuriyeti Türkiye 38,999
Dosya:Flag of İtalya.svg İtalya 38,694
Dosya:Flag of Fransa.svg Fransa 38,130
Dosya:Flag of Somali.svg Somali 33,831
Dosya:Flag of Uganda.svg Uganda 32,082
Dosya:Flag of Yeni Zelanda.svg Yeni Zelanda 27,494

St Paul Katedrali'nden Londra panoraması

Dosya:London 360 from St Paul's Cathedral - Sept 2007.jpg

St Paul Katedralinden Londra'nın panoramik görünümü.

Uluslararası ilişkiler[]

Ana madde: Birleşik Krallık şehirlerinin kardeş şehirleri

Kardeş kentler[]

Londra'nın 12 tane kardeş şehri vardır.

Moldavia's coat of Arms of 1481

Moldavia's coat of Arms in 1481 under the rule of Stephen the Great and Holy--Ştefan cel Mare şi Sfân

Coat of arms of Moldavia

Moldova arması

Stamp Moldavian Cap de bour 1858

The first Romanian post stamp in Moldavia issued in 1847, representing the head of the "zimbru"-- a rare species of bison now extinct from the Carpathian forests that is also depicted on the Coat of Arms of ancient Romania's province of Moldavia; the writing at the top of the stamp with cyrillic letters reads: "Porto scrisori"--Letter stamp.

Arequipa, Peru

Moldavia's coat of Arms of 1481

Moldavia's coat of Arms in 1481 under the rule of Stephen the Great and Holy--Ştefan cel Mare şi Sfân

Coat of arms of Moldavia

Moldova arması

Stamp Moldavian Cap de bour 1858

The first Romanian post stamp in Moldavia issued in 1847, representing the head of the "zimbru"-- a rare species of bison now extinct from the Carpathian forests that is also depicted on the Coat of Arms of ancient Romania's province of Moldavia; the writing at the top of the stamp with cyrillic letters reads: "Porto scrisori"--Letter stamp.

Berlin, Almanya

Moldavia's coat of Arms of 1481

Moldavia's coat of Arms in 1481 under the rule of Stephen the Great and Holy--Ştefan cel Mare şi Sfân

Coat of arms of Moldavia

Moldova arması

Stamp Moldavian Cap de bour 1858

The first Romanian post stamp in Moldavia issued in 1847, representing the head of the "zimbru"-- a rare species of bison now extinct from the Carpathian forests that is also depicted on the Coat of Arms of ancient Romania's province of Moldavia; the writing at the top of the stamp with cyrillic letters reads: "Porto scrisori"--Letter stamp.

Delhi, Hindistan[4]

Moldavia's coat of Arms of 1481

Moldavia's coat of Arms in 1481 under the rule of Stephen the Great and Holy--Ştefan cel Mare şi Sfân

Coat of arms of Moldavia

Moldova arması

Stamp Moldavian Cap de bour 1858

The first Romanian post stamp in Moldavia issued in 1847, representing the head of the "zimbru"-- a rare species of bison now extinct from the Carpathian forests that is also depicted on the Coat of Arms of ancient Romania's province of Moldavia; the writing at the top of the stamp with cyrillic letters reads: "Porto scrisori"--Letter stamp.

Bogotá, Kolombiya

Moldavia's coat of Arms of 1481

Moldavia's coat of Arms in 1481 under the rule of Stephen the Great and Holy--Ştefan cel Mare şi Sfân

Coat of arms of Moldavia

Moldova arması

Stamp Moldavian Cap de bour 1858

The first Romanian post stamp in Moldavia issued in 1847, representing the head of the "zimbru"-- a rare species of bison now extinct from the Carpathian forests that is also depicted on the Coat of Arms of ancient Romania's province of Moldavia; the writing at the top of the stamp with cyrillic letters reads: "Porto scrisori"--Letter stamp.

Johannesburg, Güney Afrika[5]

Moldavia's coat of Arms of 1481

Moldavia's coat of Arms in 1481 under the rule of Stephen the Great and Holy--Ştefan cel Mare şi Sfân

Coat of arms of Moldavia

Moldova arması

Stamp Moldavian Cap de bour 1858

The first Romanian post stamp in Moldavia issued in 1847, representing the head of the "zimbru"-- a rare species of bison now extinct from the Carpathian forests that is also depicted on the Coat of Arms of ancient Romania's province of Moldavia; the writing at the top of the stamp with cyrillic letters reads: "Porto scrisori"--Letter stamp.

Kuala Lumpur, Malezya

Moldavia's coat of Arms of 1481

Moldavia's coat of Arms in 1481 under the rule of Stephen the Great and Holy--Ştefan cel Mare şi Sfân

Coat of arms of Moldavia

Moldova arması

Stamp Moldavian Cap de bour 1858

The first Romanian post stamp in Moldavia issued in 1847, representing the head of the "zimbru"-- a rare species of bison now extinct from the Carpathian forests that is also depicted on the Coat of Arms of ancient Romania's province of Moldavia; the writing at the top of the stamp with cyrillic letters reads: "Porto scrisori"--Letter stamp.

Kuveyt, Kuveyt

Moldavia's coat of Arms of 1481

Moldavia's coat of Arms in 1481 under the rule of Stephen the Great and Holy--Ştefan cel Mare şi Sfân

Coat of arms of Moldavia

Moldova arması

Stamp Moldavian Cap de bour 1858

The first Romanian post stamp in Moldavia issued in 1847, representing the head of the "zimbru"-- a rare species of bison now extinct from the Carpathian forests that is also depicted on the Coat of Arms of ancient Romania's province of Moldavia; the writing at the top of the stamp with cyrillic letters reads: "Porto scrisori"--Letter stamp.

Moskova, Rusya

Moldavia's coat of Arms of 1481

Moldavia's coat of Arms in 1481 under the rule of Stephen the Great and Holy--Ştefan cel Mare şi Sfân

Coat of arms of Moldavia

Moldova arması

Stamp Moldavian Cap de bour 1858

The first Romanian post stamp in Moldavia issued in 1847, representing the head of the "zimbru"-- a rare species of bison now extinct from the Carpathian forests that is also depicted on the Coat of Arms of ancient Romania's province of Moldavia; the writing at the top of the stamp with cyrillic letters reads: "Porto scrisori"--Letter stamp.

New York, ABD[6]

Moldavia's coat of Arms of 1481

Moldavia's coat of Arms in 1481 under the rule of Stephen the Great and Holy--Ştefan cel Mare şi Sfân

Coat of arms of Moldavia

Moldova arması

Stamp Moldavian Cap de bour 1858

The first Romanian post stamp in Moldavia issued in 1847, representing the head of the "zimbru"-- a rare species of bison now extinct from the Carpathian forests that is also depicted on the Coat of Arms of ancient Romania's province of Moldavia; the writing at the top of the stamp with cyrillic letters reads: "Porto scrisori"--Letter stamp.

Oslo, Norveç

Moldavia's coat of Arms of 1481

Moldavia's coat of Arms in 1481 under the rule of Stephen the Great and Holy--Ştefan cel Mare şi Sfân

Coat of arms of Moldavia

Moldova arması

Stamp Moldavian Cap de bour 1858

The first Romanian post stamp in Moldavia issued in 1847, representing the head of the "zimbru"-- a rare species of bison now extinct from the Carpathian forests that is also depicted on the Coat of Arms of ancient Romania's province of Moldavia; the writing at the top of the stamp with cyrillic letters reads: "Porto scrisori"--Letter stamp.

Şangay, Çin Halk Cumhuriyeti[7]

Moldavia's coat of Arms of 1481

Moldavia's coat of Arms in 1481 under the rule of Stephen the Great and Holy--Ştefan cel Mare şi Sfân

Coat of arms of Moldavia

Moldova arması

Stamp Moldavian Cap de bour 1858

The first Romanian post stamp in Moldavia issued in 1847, representing the head of the "zimbru"-- a rare species of bison now extinct from the Carpathian forests that is also depicted on the Coat of Arms of ancient Romania's province of Moldavia; the writing at the top of the stamp with cyrillic letters reads: "Porto scrisori"--Letter stamp.

Tahran, İran

Kardeşlik anlaşması[]

Londra 12 tane şehirle kardeşlik anlaşması yapmıştır.

Moldavia's coat of Arms of 1481

Moldavia's coat of Arms in 1481 under the rule of Stephen the Great and Holy--Ştefan cel Mare şi Sfân

Coat of arms of Moldavia

Moldova arması

Stamp Moldavian Cap de bour 1858

The first Romanian post stamp in Moldavia issued in 1847, representing the head of the "zimbru"-- a rare species of bison now extinct from the Carpathian forests that is also depicted on the Coat of Arms of ancient Romania's province of Moldavia; the writing at the top of the stamp with cyrillic letters reads: "Porto scrisori"--Letter stamp.

Cezayir, Cezayir

Moldavia's coat of Arms of 1481

Moldavia's coat of Arms in 1481 under the rule of Stephen the Great and Holy--Ştefan cel Mare şi Sfân

Coat of arms of Moldavia

Moldova arması

Stamp Moldavian Cap de bour 1858

The first Romanian post stamp in Moldavia issued in 1847, representing the head of the "zimbru"-- a rare species of bison now extinct from the Carpathian forests that is also depicted on the Coat of Arms of ancient Romania's province of Moldavia; the writing at the top of the stamp with cyrillic letters reads: "Porto scrisori"--Letter stamp.

Bakü, Azerbaycan

Moldavia's coat of Arms of 1481

Moldavia's coat of Arms in 1481 under the rule of Stephen the Great and Holy--Ştefan cel Mare şi Sfân

Coat of arms of Moldavia

Moldova arması

Stamp Moldavian Cap de bour 1858

The first Romanian post stamp in Moldavia issued in 1847, representing the head of the "zimbru"-- a rare species of bison now extinct from the Carpathian forests that is also depicted on the Coat of Arms of ancient Romania's province of Moldavia; the writing at the top of the stamp with cyrillic letters reads: "Porto scrisori"--Letter stamp.

Pekin, Çin Halk Cumhuriyeti[8]

Moldavia's coat of Arms of 1481

Moldavia's coat of Arms in 1481 under the rule of Stephen the Great and Holy--Ştefan cel Mare şi Sfân

Coat of arms of Moldavia

Moldova arması

Stamp Moldavian Cap de bour 1858

The first Romanian post stamp in Moldavia issued in 1847, representing the head of the "zimbru"-- a rare species of bison now extinct from the Carpathian forests that is also depicted on the Coat of Arms of ancient Romania's province of Moldavia; the writing at the top of the stamp with cyrillic letters reads: "Porto scrisori"--Letter stamp.

Bükreş, Romanya

Moldavia's coat of Arms of 1481

Moldavia's coat of Arms in 1481 under the rule of Stephen the Great and Holy--Ştefan cel Mare şi Sfân

Coat of arms of Moldavia

Moldova arması

Stamp Moldavian Cap de bour 1858

The first Romanian post stamp in Moldavia issued in 1847, representing the head of the "zimbru"-- a rare species of bison now extinct from the Carpathian forests that is also depicted on the Coat of Arms of ancient Romania's province of Moldavia; the writing at the top of the stamp with cyrillic letters reads: "Porto scrisori"--Letter stamp.

Buenos Aires, Arjantin

Moldavia's coat of Arms of 1481

Moldavia's coat of Arms in 1481 under the rule of Stephen the Great and Holy--Ştefan cel Mare şi Sfân

Coat of arms of Moldavia

Moldova arması

Stamp Moldavian Cap de bour 1858

The first Romanian post stamp in Moldavia issued in 1847, representing the head of the "zimbru"-- a rare species of bison now extinct from the Carpathian forests that is also depicted on the Coat of Arms of ancient Romania's province of Moldavia; the writing at the top of the stamp with cyrillic letters reads: "Porto scrisori"--Letter stamp.

Delhi, Hindistan[4]

Moldavia's coat of Arms of 1481

Moldavia's coat of Arms in 1481 under the rule of Stephen the Great and Holy--Ştefan cel Mare şi Sfân

Coat of arms of Moldavia

Moldova arması

Stamp Moldavian Cap de bour 1858

The first Romanian post stamp in Moldavia issued in 1847, representing the head of the "zimbru"-- a rare species of bison now extinct from the Carpathian forests that is also depicted on the Coat of Arms of ancient Romania's province of Moldavia; the writing at the top of the stamp with cyrillic letters reads: "Porto scrisori"--Letter stamp.

Dakka, Bangladeş[9]

Moldavia's coat of Arms of 1481

Moldavia's coat of Arms in 1481 under the rule of Stephen the Great and Holy--Ştefan cel Mare şi Sfân

Coat of arms of Moldavia

Moldova arması

Stamp Moldavian Cap de bour 1858

The first Romanian post stamp in Moldavia issued in 1847, representing the head of the "zimbru"-- a rare species of bison now extinct from the Carpathian forests that is also depicted on the Coat of Arms of ancient Romania's province of Moldavia; the writing at the top of the stamp with cyrillic letters reads: "Porto scrisori"--Letter stamp.

İstanbul, Türkiye

Moldavia's coat of Arms of 1481

Moldavia's coat of Arms in 1481 under the rule of Stephen the Great and Holy--Ştefan cel Mare şi Sfân

Coat of arms of Moldavia

Moldova arması

Stamp Moldavian Cap de bour 1858

The first Romanian post stamp in Moldavia issued in 1847, representing the head of the "zimbru"-- a rare species of bison now extinct from the Carpathian forests that is also depicted on the Coat of Arms of ancient Romania's province of Moldavia; the writing at the top of the stamp with cyrillic letters reads: "Porto scrisori"--Letter stamp.

Los Angeles, ABD[10]

Moldavia's coat of Arms of 1481

Moldavia's coat of Arms in 1481 under the rule of Stephen the Great and Holy--Ştefan cel Mare şi Sfân

Coat of arms of Moldavia

Moldova arması

Stamp Moldavian Cap de bour 1858

The first Romanian post stamp in Moldavia issued in 1847, representing the head of the "zimbru"-- a rare species of bison now extinct from the Carpathian forests that is also depicted on the Coat of Arms of ancient Romania's province of Moldavia; the writing at the top of the stamp with cyrillic letters reads: "Porto scrisori"--Letter stamp.

Mumbai, Hindistan

Moldavia's coat of Arms of 1481

Moldavia's coat of Arms in 1481 under the rule of Stephen the Great and Holy--Ştefan cel Mare şi Sfân

Coat of arms of Moldavia

Moldova arması

Stamp Moldavian Cap de bour 1858

The first Romanian post stamp in Moldavia issued in 1847, representing the head of the "zimbru"-- a rare species of bison now extinct from the Carpathian forests that is also depicted on the Coat of Arms of ancient Romania's province of Moldavia; the writing at the top of the stamp with cyrillic letters reads: "Porto scrisori"--Letter stamp.

Paris, Fransa[11]

Moldavia's coat of Arms of 1481

Moldavia's coat of Arms in 1481 under the rule of Stephen the Great and Holy--Ştefan cel Mare şi Sfân

Coat of arms of Moldavia

Moldova arması

Stamp Moldavian Cap de bour 1858

The first Romanian post stamp in Moldavia issued in 1847, representing the head of the "zimbru"-- a rare species of bison now extinct from the Carpathian forests that is also depicted on the Coat of Arms of ancient Romania's province of Moldavia; the writing at the top of the stamp with cyrillic letters reads: "Porto scrisori"--Letter stamp.

Podgorica, Montenegro

Moldavia's coat of Arms of 1481

Moldavia's coat of Arms in 1481 under the rule of Stephen the Great and Holy--Ştefan cel Mare şi Sfân

Coat of arms of Moldavia

Moldova arması

Stamp Moldavian Cap de bour 1858

The first Romanian post stamp in Moldavia issued in 1847, representing the head of the "zimbru"-- a rare species of bison now extinct from the Carpathian forests that is also depicted on the Coat of Arms of ancient Romania's province of Moldavia; the writing at the top of the stamp with cyrillic letters reads: "Porto scrisori"--Letter stamp.

Roma, İtalya

Moldavia's coat of Arms of 1481

Moldavia's coat of Arms in 1481 under the rule of Stephen the Great and Holy--Ştefan cel Mare şi Sfân

Coat of arms of Moldavia

Moldova arması

Stamp Moldavian Cap de bour 1858

The first Romanian post stamp in Moldavia issued in 1847, representing the head of the "zimbru"-- a rare species of bison now extinct from the Carpathian forests that is also depicted on the Coat of Arms of ancient Romania's province of Moldavia; the writing at the top of the stamp with cyrillic letters reads: "Porto scrisori"--Letter stamp.

Sofya, Bulgaristan

Moldavia's coat of Arms of 1481

Moldavia's coat of Arms in 1481 under the rule of Stephen the Great and Holy--Ştefan cel Mare şi Sfân

Coat of arms of Moldavia

Moldova arması

Stamp Moldavian Cap de bour 1858

The first Romanian post stamp in Moldavia issued in 1847, representing the head of the "zimbru"-- a rare species of bison now extinct from the Carpathian forests that is also depicted on the Coat of Arms of ancient Romania's province of Moldavia; the writing at the top of the stamp with cyrillic letters reads: "Porto scrisori"--Letter stamp.

Tokyo, Japonya

Moldavia's coat of Arms of 1481

Moldavia's coat of Arms in 1481 under the rule of Stephen the Great and Holy--Ştefan cel Mare şi Sfân

Coat of arms of Moldavia

Moldova arması

Stamp Moldavian Cap de bour 1858

The first Romanian post stamp in Moldavia issued in 1847, representing the head of the "zimbru"-- a rare species of bison now extinct from the Carpathian forests that is also depicted on the Coat of Arms of ancient Romania's province of Moldavia; the writing at the top of the stamp with cyrillic letters reads: "Porto scrisori"--Letter stamp.

Zagreb, Hırvatistan


Ayrıca bakınız[]

  • Londra Şehri
  • Westminster Şehri

Dış bağlantılar[]

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Londra ile ilgili çoklu ortam kategorisi bulunur.

Şablon:Avrupa başkentleri Şablon:AB başkentleri Şablon:Dünyanın en kalabalık yerleri

ab:Лондан ace:London af:Londen als:London am:ለንደን an:Londres ang:Lunden ar:لندن arc:ܠܘܢܕܘܢ arz:لندن ast:Londres ay:London az:London ba:Лондон bar:London bat-smg:Luonduons bcl:Londres be:Горад Лондан be-x-old:Лёндан bg:Лондон bi:London bn:লন্ডন bo:ལོན་ཊོན། br:Londrez bs:London ca:Londres cbk-zam:London ceb:London co:Londra crh:London cs:Londýn cu:Лондонъ cv:Лондон cy:Llundain da:London de:London diq:Londra dsb:London ee:London el:Λονδίνο eml:Lòndra en:London eo:Londono es:Londres et:London eu:Londres ext:Londri fa:لندن fi:Lontoo fiu-vro:London fo:London fr:Londres frp:Londres frr:London fy:Londen ga:Londain gan:倫敦 gd:Lunnainn gl:Londres - London gu:લંડન gv:Lunnin haw:Lākana he:לונדון hi:लंदन hif:London hr:London hsb:London ht:Lonn hu:London hy:Լոնդոն ia:London id:London ie:London ig:London ilo:Londres io:London is:London it:Londra ja:ロンドン jbo:london jv:London ka:ლონდონი kab:London kl:London kn:ಲಂಡನ್ ko:런던 koi:Лондон krc:Лондон ku:London kv:Лондон kw:Loundres la:Londinium lad:Londra lb:London lbe:Лондон li:Londe lij:Londra lmo:Lundra ln:Londoni lt:Londonas lv:Londona mg:London mhr:Лондон mi:Rānana mk:Лондон ml:ലണ്ടൻ mn:Лондон mr:लंडन mrj:Лондон ms:London mt:Londra mwl:Londres my:လန်ဒန်မြို့ mzn:لندن na:London nah:Londin nap:Londra nds:London nds-nl:Londen ne:लण्डन new:लण्डन nl:Londen nn:London no:London nov:London nrm:Londres oc:Londres os:Лондон pdc:London pl:Londyn pms:Londra pnb:لندن pnt:Λονδίνο pt:Londres qu:London rm:Londra ro:Londra roa-rup:Londra ru:Лондон rue:Лондон sa:लन्डन् sah:Лондон sc:Londra scn:Londra sco:Lunnon se:London sh:London simple:London sk:Londýn sl:London so:London sq:Londra sr:Лондон st:London stq:London sv:London sw:London szl:Lůndůn ta:இலண்டன் te:లండన్ tet:Londres tg:Лондон th:ลอนดอน tk:London tl:Londres tpi:Landen tt:Лондон udm:Лондон ug:London uk:Лондон ur:لندن uz:London vec:Łondra vi:Luân Đôn vls:Londn vo:London war:London wo:Londar wuu:伦敦 yi:לאנדאן yo:Lọndọnu zea:Londen zh:伦敦 zh-classical:倫敦 zh-min-nan:London zh-yue:倫敦
